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Laicus," said he. "A book, if you keep it careful, will last a great many years. I am reading out of a Bible that belonged to my grandfather. And I expect 'll belong to my grandson yet." "My dear Mr. Hardcap," said I, "the leaves and covers and printed works do not make the book. Ideas make the book. You can use your tools over and over again.

Kabbinett made us a liberal discount because we were buying for a parsonage. We did not buy anything but a carpet for the library, for Mr. Laicus said no one could furnish a student's library for him. He must furnish it for himself. When we got back to Wheathedge, Tuesday afternoon, we found the parsonage undergoing transformations so great that you would hardly know it. Miss Moore had got Mr.

But it is time, and I decline to cancel it. Our Donation Party by Jane Laicus. MY husband wants me to write an account of the donation we gave our new minister. He wants it to put in his book. "Why, John," said I, "I can't write anything for a book. I never wrote anything for print in my life. You mustn't think I am clever because you are." "My dear Jennie," said he, "there is no magic in print.

So I opened the way at once. Laicus.: Well Deacon, how are church affairs coining on; pretty smoothly; salary paid up at last? Deacon Goodsole.: Yes, Mr. Laicus; and we're obliged to you for it too. I don't think the parson would have got his money but for you. Laicus.: Not at all, Deacon. Thank my wife, not me. She was righteously indignant at the church for leaving its minister unpaid so long.

"Well," said I, "so far as salary goes I am prepared to vote for an increase to $1,500 and a parsonage. I don't live on less than twice that." Mr. Hardcap struck his hands down resolutely into his pockets and groaned audibly. "I am afraid we can't get it, Mr. Laicus," said Mr. Wheaton. "I believe a minister ought to have it, but I don't see where its coming from. We musn't burden the parish."

Is the one to be accused of serving the world any more because of his fees than the other because of his salary? Can an elder do any more to carry the Gospel of Christ to the sick bed and the house of mourning than a Christian physician, if he is faithful as a Christian? Dr. Argure shook his head but made no response. Deacon Goodsole.: That may do very well in the case of a doctor, Mr. Laicus.

Mr. Gear was evidently taken by surprise. He made no answer; I pressed my advantage. "How is it, my friend?" said I. "Well, n no!" said he, "I can't honestly say that I do." "You believe in prayer, and yet never pray," said I, "is that it?" "It is so much a matter of mere habit, Mr. Laicus," said he, excusingly; "and I never was trained to pray."

They are not to be found in the Sabbath School; they cannot be induced to participate actively in tract distribution; and they are even not to be depended on in the devotional week-day meetings of the church. Mr. Laicus here needs a little touching up on that point, Doctor; and I am glad you are here to do it. How as to that Bible class, Mr. Laicus, that I spoke to you about week before last?

If you are really building for eternity you cannot merely build churches. Dr. Argure.: Consider then, Mr. Laicus, the effect of your doctrine on the hearts and souls of men. Consider how many idle and indifferent professors of religion there are, who are doing nothing in the church, and nothing for the church.

I think he stopped at your house." I assented. "I wish you would write him, quite informally you know, to come down and preach for us a Sunday or two. The folks at our house were quite taken with him, and I think the people were generally. I shouldn't wonder if he were the 'coming man, Mr. Laicus." So that evening I stayed at home from church and wrote to him. I remembered what Mr.