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"They're at it already, I believe," she said to Lewisham confidentially. "Mr. Lagune's always at it." There were sounds of chairs being moved, Smithers' extensive voice making a suggestion and laughing nervously. Lagune appeared opening the door. His grizzled face seemed smaller and his big grey eyes larger than usual. "We were just going to begin without you," he whispered. "Come along."

"Ere it fade," Said my companion, "I will show you soon A better station." So, o'er the lagune We glided: and from that funereal bark I leaned, and saw the city; and could mark How from their many isles, in evening's gleam, Its temples and its palaces did seem Like fabrics of enchantment piled to heaven.

The next day Lewisham was too full of engagements to communicate with Lagune, but the following morning he called and found the psychic investigator busy with the proofs of Hesperus. He welcomed the young man cordially nevertheless, conceiving him charged with the questions that had been promised long ago it was evident he knew nothing of Lewisham's marriage.

Further on, again, on the flat lands towards the east, the mighty trees rise to an immense height from the humid soil, without a flowering plant or shrub below their branches, forming a canopy almost impervious to the light of day. One day we had gone farther than usual from home, when we reached a narrow lagune, overspread by the boughs of the gigantic trees which grew on either side of it.

Lewisham stated his case with some bluntness. "He was last here on Saturday," said Lagune. "You have always been inclined to suspicion about him. Have you any grounds?" "You'd better read this," said Lewisham, repressing a grim smile, and he handed Lagune Chaffery's letter.

"They use a rubber ball with a pin-hole hidden in the hand, and blow the pendulum round the way it ought to go." "But that's different," said Smithers. "Wait a moment," said Lagune, and produced a piece of folded printed paper from his pocket. "Here is a review from Nature of the work of no less a person than Professor Greenhill.

Chaffery is a man of indisputable powers indisputable powers; but I am afraid I am very much afraid he has abused the conditions of the experiment. All this and his insults touch me rather nearly." He paused. Lewisham rose. "Do you mind if you come again?" asked Lagune with gentle politeness. Lewisham was surprised to find himself sorry. "He was a man of extraordinary gifts," said Lagune.

Miss Heydinger it was arranged should be there, and the sceptic Smithers, Lagune, his typewriter and the medium would complete the party. Afterwards there was to be another party for the others. Lewisham was glad he had the moral support of Smithers. "It's an evening wasted," said Smithers, who had gallantly resolved to make the running for Lewisham in the contest for the Forbes medal.

I not only lived a few months in safety at Tierra-Alta, but many years after, when, I resided in Jala-Jala, and, in my quality of commander of the territorial horse-guards of the province of Lagune, was naturally a declared enemy of the bandits, I received the following note: "Sir, Beware of Pedro Tumbaga; we are invited by him to go to your house and to take you by surprise; we remember the morning we spoke to you at the cascades, and the sincerity of your word.

On Saturday morning he absented himself from the schools, pleading by post a slight indisposition, and took all his earthly goods to the booking office at Vauxhall Station. Chaffery's sister lived at Tongham, near Farnham, and Ethel, dismissed a week since by Lagune, had started that morning, under her mother's maudlin supervision, to begin her new slavery.