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What's the use?" "This!" snapped Griffith." Either Laffie Ashton is a dirty sneak thief, or he's a man that deserves my apologies. It's a question of fair play to me as well as to him. You're square, Tom. You'll come up to Michamac with me and settle this matter." "Lord! Why can't you let me alone?" groaned Blake. But he took the sulphonal and washed it down with the quassia-flavored water.

"I fancy he must contrive to make it go farther since his last trip to town," said Mrs. Gantry. "The little visit proved rather expensive. His father made another reduction in his allowance." "Goodness!" exclaimed Dolores. "Poor dear Laffie boy! If I conclude to marry him, I shall insist that Papa Ashton is to give me a separate allowance." "My word, Miss Dolores!" expostulated Lord James.

You're not the sort to take in the town with a made-in-France thing like that young Ashton." "Ashton?" queried Griffith. "You don't mean Laffie Ashton?" "He was down at the depot to give our party the glad hand." "Your party?" repeated Griffith. He saw Blake wink at Lord James, and thought he understood. "I see. He knows Mr. Scarbridge, eh?

Bring back Laffie with you. He dances divinely." Lord James smiled in rather an absent manner, and turned to Genevieve. "You take me? I expect to be away with Tom for a few days. He will probably lack opportunity to call on you before he leaves town. You may have a message for me to take to him." "Give him my best wishes for the success of his work." "That is all?"

"Oh, Laffie! how could you be so cruel?" she mocked. He was so far intoxicated that he mistook her sarcasm for entreaty. He responded with maudlin fervor. "Don't weep, Dodiekins! I'll be as easy on you as I can. You see, I must inform you on such things, if you're to be my fiancee." She was quick to note his mistake, and sobbed realistically: "Fi- fiancee! Oh! Oh, Laffie!

Of course he believed it, and of course he planned at once to go away that's the kind of man he is! He planned to go away run off so that Vievie couldn't sacrifice herself." "My word!" "And just then Laffie Ashton came back with the wine. I believe he did it a-purpose that he wanted to get Mr. Blake intoxicated!" "The unmitigated cad! Yet why should he? It seems impossible that any man "

He rose uncertainly to his feet, his handsome face flushed, and his full red lower lip twitching. "I I had not intended " he began. "Good-day!" said Mrs. Gantry with significant emphasis. "So sorry you must rush off so soon, Laffie," mocked Dolores. Social training has its value. Ashton pulled himself together, bowed gracefully, and started up the room with easy assurance.

You're the perfect brunette type, and you have all that verve you're so spirituelle. Just say 'yes' now, and let's have it over with. To-morrow I'll buy you the biggest solitaire in town." "Oh, Laffie! the biggest? You're too kind! I couldn't think of it!" she mocked. "But I mean it, Dodie, every word, indeed I do!" he insisted, ardently thrusting out an arm to embrace her.

He fell, rather than seated himself, in the centre of the davenport. "What what " he babbled; "you don't mean No! I didn't! I tell you, I didn't! They're my plans; I drew them all myself!" "Why, Laffie! what is the matter with you?" she demanded, half startled out of her mockery. "Can it be you've mixed them too freely? Or is it the lobster? You've a regular heavy-seas-the-first-day-out look."

"You're too sudden with your congratulations, Laffie," mocked Dolores. "Genevieve hasn't yet decided whether it's to be the hero or the earl." "Dolores," admonished her mother. "I told you to leave the room." "Yes, and forgot to tell me to stay out. It's no use now, is it? Unless you wish me to drag out Laffie for a little tete-a-tete in the conservatory." "Sit down, dear," said Genevieve. Mrs.