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Youghal said she was not going to throw her daughter into the worst paid Department in the Empire, and old Youghal said, in so many words, that he mistrusted Strickland's ways and works, and would thank him not to speak or write to his daughter any more. "Very well," said Strickland, for he did not wish to make his lady-love's life a burden.

"There, now, you are shockingly ignorant; you really don't know what apis means in Sanscrit bah!" "In Sanscrit? True; but in Latin it is " "Bee: I'll help you out." "Very well, you are an Apician, you say: expound." "Why! do I not admire Belle-bouche?" "I believe so." "Pretty mouth that is the translation?" "Yes." "A mouth like Suckling's lady-love's stay, was it Suckling? Yes: Sir John.

"Did you ever hear," he asked Raoul, "of the man who burnt down his lady-love's house so as to have the bliss of carrying her out in his arms?" "Yes: what of it?" "At the proper time, I will charge you to set fire, morally, to Mme. Fauvel's house; and I will rush in, and save her and her niece.

Struthers, as usual, is attempting to reach the heart of her new victim by way of the stomach, and Pinshaw, apparently, is not unappreciative, since he appears a little more punctually at his watering and raking and gardening and has his ears up like a rabbit for the first inkling of his lady-love's matutinal hand-out.

Just then some one opened the door, and his heart began to beat with anticipation; some one pronounced his name, and, going over, he saw the animated bag of bones otherwise his lady-love's vassal and porter.

Remember that it will not add to your lady-love's happiness to learn that you have been massacred in your attempt to carry out your knight-errant adventure, and if you are careless about your own life, don't forget that its loss will probably entail the loss of your brother's also. Dangers, of course, you must meet and face, but remember that prudence is a valuable aid to bravery.

Hawkehurst did not, however, find the strict notions of his lady-love's stepfather quite so agreeable when he wanted to take his "pearl" to the winter exhibitions of pictures.

A lover's farewell glance at his lady-love's window is not more mournful than Mme. Vauquer's survey of the empty places round her table. Couture's rooms; and that in a very few days her household would be on the old footing. "God send it may, my dear sir! but bad luck has come to lodge here.

The girl was told who her husband was to be, but it would have been against all rules to tell her when he was coming after her. Well, as I have said, having caught his first seal, Metak made up his mind to have a wife to butcher it for him; so he set out for the snow hut of his lady-love's father, where the dusky-faced girl was lying fast asleep, all rolled up in furs.

"She means Miss Maryllia," said the old man "That's the name she's given 'er lady-love the thinkin' little imp she is! Where's lady- love? Why she's in 'er own house she don't want any little tags o' babbies runnin' round 'er your lady-love's got somethin' else to do." "She AIN'T!" said Ipsie, with dramatic emphasis "She tums an' sees me often 'oo don't know nuffin' 'bout it!