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"Thiedot had better keep in his own house," growled the carpenter, clenching his fists. "It looks well for a tramp like you to insult gentlemen like us," continued the lackey, in an imposing tone. "And did you not say that when I took Mademoiselle to mass I looked like a green toad upon the box, ..thus trying to dishonor my physique and my clothes? Did you not say that?"

Come, read this,” and Fyodor Pavlovitch gave him Evenings in a Cottage near Dikanka. He read a little but didn’t like it. He did not once smile, and ended by frowning. “Why? Isn’t it funny?” asked Fyodor Pavlovitch. Smerdyakov did not speak. “Answer, stupid!” “It’s all untrue,” mumbled the boy, with a grin. “Then go to the devil! You have the soul of a lackey.

There happened then that which you know, and of which your precipitate departure," added the host, with an acuteness that did not escape d'Artagnan, "appeared to authorize the issue. That gentleman, your friend, defended himself desperately. His lackey, who, by an unforeseen piece of ill luck, had quarreled with the officers, disguised as stable lads "

His majesty might well be satisfied if he had my fine figure and good carriage." "Yes, indeed, we are very different fellows from old Fritz!" said the second lackey, with a satisfied air. "A princess once thought me a handsome fellow! It is eleven years since, as I entered the guards on account of my delicate figure. I was guard of honor in the anteroom of the former crown princess of Prussia.

As to my arms, it is useless to trouble you about them; I have them." "A horse for your lackey?" resumed the procurator's wife, hesitatingly; "but that is doing things in lordly style, my friend." "Ah, madame!" said Porthos, haughtily; "do you take me for a beggar?"

If you are attacked by day or by night, fight, but retreat, without shame; if you cross a bridge, feel every plank of it with your foot, lest one should give way beneath you; if you pass before a house which is being built, look up, for fear a stone should fall upon your head; if you stay out late, be always followed by your lackey, and let your lackey be armed if, by the by, you can be sure of your lackey.

Some further time passed, and added, with its passing minutes, to my mental disquietude. One evening, when I was sitting meditating painfully on this sombre subject, a lackey, superbly dressed, was introduced to me by my servant, and stated that he had been commanded by his master Colonel P , to request my attendance at his house without delay.

She only washed Harry's face the day he went away; nor ever so much as once boxed his ears. She whimpered rather when the gentleman in black came for the boy, and pretended to cry; but Harry thought it was only a sham, and sprung quite delighted upon the horse upon which the lackey helped him. This lackey was a Frenchman; his name was Blaise.

No Mendelssohn, no Meyerbeer, no Rossini, would have dreamed of gaining a king, even the king of a minor bankrupt state, as his lackey and his generous paymaster.

It was in the Lease, too, that no peddler or agent, or suspicious stranger was to enter the Santa Maria, neither by the front door nor the back. The janitor stood in his uniform at the rear, and the lackey in his uniform at the front, to prevent any such intrusion upon the privacy of the aristocratic Santa Marias.