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At least he would wait for further confirmation. He did not know how near that confirmation was. Rondeau had been waiting for his masters summons until his patience was exhausted. So, relying on the letter to counteract any apparent disrespect, he stalked upstairs and knocked at Dr. Lacey’s door, just as that gentleman was about ringing for him.

So saying, he quitted the apartment, leaving Mrs. Carrington to her own reflections. They were not very pleasant, for Dr. Lacey’s manner had said as plainly as words could say that she had better mind her own business, and she began to think so herself, for she muttered, "After all, what is it to me if he does like Fanny?

Lacey say something to her father in a low tone, and then saw them leave the room together, she arose and stealthily followed them upstairs. Going out on the balcony, she stole softly up to Dr. Lacey’s window, and there, unobserved, listened to a conversation which confirmed her worst fears. In a firm, decided tone, Dr. Lacey told Mr.

Lacey’s manner after reading the heartless forgery, but the iron had entered his soul, and for a time he seemed benumbed with its force. Then came a moment of reflection. His love had been trampled upon, and thrown back as a thing of naught by her who had fallen from the high pedestal on which he had enthroned the idol of his heart’s deepest affection.

I have once successfully counterfeited Dr. Lacey’s handwriting, and can do it again. I’ll send her something that will quiet her nerves better than assafœtida!" This settled, she went in quest of Rondeau, whom she told that, as she had expected, his master was very much displeased.

Lacey’s love. Julia watched her with an evil eye, as she read the letter, and when she saw the look of joy which lit up every feature, she thought, "Yes, read on and enjoy itdofor you’ll not get many more such!" That day after school she started out for the purpose of laying the foundation for the fulfillment of a part of her plans.

The next day at dinner Stanton and Raymond took their seats at Mrs. Crane’s table. To Raymond’s great delight Mrs. Carrington sat opposite him. Stanton occupied Dr. Lacey’s seat, which brought Fanny directly in front of him. Fanny had been prepared in a measure for the striking resemblance between Stanton and Dr. Lacey; but when she was introduced to him, his looks brought Dr.

"Impudent puppy!" said she; "and yet he was right in saying he was not disagreeable to me. But I’ll never be his wife. I’d die first!" Still, do what she would, a feeling haunted her that Raymond’s prediction would prove true. Perhaps it was this which made her so determined to supplant Julia in Dr. Lacey’s good opinion, should he ever presume to think favorably of her.

She had lived in the family ever since Dr. Lacey’s early recollection, and as she had nursed him when an infant, he naturally felt a great affection for her, and intrusted her with the exclusive management of the culinary department, little negroes and all.

Lacey’s safety were immediately roused; and again were her arms wound round the neck of her enraged father, while she begged of him to be quiet, and think reasonably of the matter. Not long could one resist the arguments of Fanny; and in less than half an hour her father grew calm, and said more gently, "I shouldn’t have been so rarin’ mad, if it had been anybody but you, Sunshine.