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On the benches around me sat, or lay, London's homeless wretched-looking men in long, tattered overcoats, baggy, buttonless trousers, cracked and laceless boots, and shapeless bowlers, too weak from want of food and rest even to think of work, almost incapable, indeed, of thought at all breathing corpses, nothing more, with premature signs of decomposition in their filthy smell.

My guru quietly washed his clothes if the disciples overlooked that privileged task. Sri Yukteswar wore the traditional ocher-colored swami robe; his laceless shoes, in accordance with yogi custom, were of tiger or deer skin. Master spoke fluent English, French, Hindi, and Bengali; his Sanskrit was fair.

He sat down opposite it. A candle burnt in one of the gilt candlesticks. Berthe by his side was painting prints. He suffered, poor man, at seeing her so badly dressed, with laceless boots, and the arm-holes of her pinafore torn down to the hips; for the charwoman took no care of her.

Vesty, standing there, dim and tall, in her laceless, fashionless gown, met her glance with a long, serious look that contained nothing either of alarm or suspicion. "I know," murmured Grace. "I've heard the name of 'Vesty' that is Vesty." "That is Vesty," said her companion. As they passed out of sight, riches and gay things and the last light of day seemed to go with them.

The little group broke up. Blob came through them, calm as the moon, and as unconscious. "Who is the lad?" whispered Nelson, as the boy lolloped up in laceless boots, hands deep in his waistband. "One of the garrison," replied the Parson. "Simple Sussex with the face of a cherub and the soul of a stoat." "Ah," said Nelson, "another of the heroes." He took a step towards the advancing boy.

Leaving the carny lot, of course, he put on his sandals; outside the carnival, he had to wear shoes. They were laceless, of course, and made to be kicked off easily. Charley slipped into them and thought wryly of the professor and his "scientific Renaissance." The shoes were a new plastic, lightweight and long-lasting, but the dyeing problem hadn't quite been solved.