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For ages warriors have been led to battle to the sounds of martial strains. David charmed away Saul's evil spirit with his harp. "O laborum Dulce lenimen mihicumque calve, Rite vocanti;" Or, as Kiessling of Berlin interprets: "O laborum, Dulce lenimen medieumque, salve, Rite vocanti." "O, of our troubles the sweet, the healing sedative, etc."

Severity created discontent, and signs of discontent provoked severity. Then, too, ill-treatment and dissatisfaction are no ``linimenta laborum''; and many a time have I heard the sailors say that they should not mind the length of the voyage, and the hardships, if they were only kindly treated, and if they could feel that something was done to make work lighter and life easier.

In the intervals from this excessive torment, when my ureters only languish without any great dolor, I presently feel myself in my wonted state, forasmuch as my soul takes no other alarm but what is sensible and corporal, which I certainly owe to the care I have had of preparing myself by meditation against such accidents: "Laborum, Nulla mihi nova nunc facies inopinave surgit; Omnia praecepi, atque animo mecum ante peregi."

Inde genus durum sumus, experiensque laborum, Et documenta damus qua simus origine nati. Or, as Raleigh rhymes it in his sonorous way, "From thence our kind hard-hearted is, enduring pain and care, Approving that our bodies of a stony nature are." So much for a blind obedience to a blundering oracle, throwing the stones over their heads behind them, and not seeing where they fell.

Severity created discontent, and signs of discontent provoked severity. Then, too, ill-treatment and dissatisfaction are no "linimenta laborum;" and many a time have I heard the sailors say that they should not mind the length of the voyage, and the hardships, if they were only kindly treated, and if they could feel that something was done to make things lighter and easier.