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Royal Ayde.................................... L2,450,000 More.......................................... 1,250,000 Three months' tax given the King by a power of raising a month's tax of L70,000 every year for three years..................... 0,210,000 Customes, out of which the King did promise to pay L240,000, which for two years comes to.................................. 0,480,000 Prizes, which they moderately reckon at........ 0,300,000 A debt declared by the Navy, by us............. 0,900,000 5,590,000

Thence away back again by water to Whitehall, and there to the Tangier Committee, where we find ourselves at a great stand; the establishment being but L70,000 per annum, and the forces to be kept in the town at the least estimate that my Lord Rutherford can be got to bring it is L53,000.

Thence to Lumbard Streete, and received L2000, and carried it home: whereof L1000 in gold. The greatest quantity not only that I ever had of gold, but that ever I saw together, and is not much above half a 100 lb. bag full, but is much weightier. This I do for security sake, and convenience of carriage; though it costs me above L70 the change of it, at 18 1/2d. per piece.

This latter was in mechanics and metallurgy; and I hesitated between the two. The Vincent Bradley gave me L70 a year and quite the best start-off a pharmaceutical chemist could have; the South Kensington thing was worth about twenty-two shillings a week, and the prospects it opened were vague.

Hence the litigation of which he complains, and the famous Chancery suit of 'Trecothick v. Lyndon, in which Mr. I also in this year made arrangements for purchasing the Polwellan estate and mines in Cornwall from Sir John Trecothick, for L70,000 an imprudent bargain, which was afterwards the cause to me of much dispute and litigation.

Royal Ayde.................................... L2,450,000 More.......................................... 1,250,000 Three months' tax given the King by a power of raising a month's tax of L70,000 every year for three years..................... 0,210,000 Customes, out of which the King did promise to pay L240,000, which for two years comes to.................................. 0,480,000 Prizes, which they moderately reckon at........ 0,300,000 A debt declared by the Navy, by us............. 0,900,000 5,590,000

Dined with little heart at noon, in the afternoon against my will to the office, where Sir G. Carteret and we met about an order of the Council for the hiring him a house, giving him L1000 fine, and L70 per annum for it.

All the morning at the office; at noon to the 'Change, where great talke of a rich present brought by an East India ship from some of the Princes of India, worth to the King L70,000 in two precious stones.

The man who had come to marry her did not know what a spirited girl she was, and he went on till he got the father to say that he would give L70, and, thinking he had got him so far, he said, 'Julia will never cross my doorway unless you give her L80. Julia said never a word, she just sat there listening, and it was then that the priest came in.

My present income, down money, is L70 per annum. I have one or two good fellows here whom you would be glad to know. It is impossible, Madam, that the generous warmth and angelic purity of your youthful mind can have any idea of that moral disease under which I unhappily must rank as the chief of sinners; I mean a torpitude of the moral powers that may be called a lethargy of conscience.