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"Beverley," he cried, "you'll shield her from him w-when I'm gone, you'll l-look after her, won't you, Beverley? She's the only thing I ever loved except my accursed self. You will shield her from that d-devil!" Then, still clutching Barnabas, he turned and seized Cleone's hands. "Clo!" he cried, "dearest of sisters, if ever you need a f-friend when I'm gone, he's here.

I r-ran away to escape him but oh Beverley! he's followed me, he was here a moment ago I heard him, I t-tell you! Oh, Beverley, don't l-look as if you thought me m-mad, I'm not! I'm not! I know it's all an illusion, of c-course, but " "Yes," said Barnabas gently, "but what of Cleone?" "Cleone? Oh, God help me, Beverley, she's going to g-give herself to that devil to buy his silence!"

"We'll be your witnesses that you were on the wrong side of the road, and knew it," Jim helped Lou to her feet. "They warned you, and you wouldn't turn out." With an outburst of inarticulate rage the old man dashed off down the road, and Lou, helpless with laughter, clung to Jim's slippery sleeve. "Don't mind him," she gasped. "Old skinflint! Oh, Jim, you l-look like an omelet."

Sometimes his efforts came to grief and sometimes they did not. "Hit the trail, you lads," he ordered. "I'll l-look out for this b-business. The exc-c-citement's all over anyhow. Drift." The range-riders disappeared. At best the situation was an embarrassing one. It is not pleasant to be in the company of one who has just shown himself a poltroon and is acutely aware of it.

The Professor was steering their boat, I thought, but it was impossible to be sure. Both men kept almost entirely out of sight. Then we caught the breeze again. It was puffy and uncertain, the forerunner of a squall. "We'll say good-bye to 'em now," exclaimed Spike, gleefully. "B-But we won't sh-shake that yacht s-s-so easy, l-look at 'em! H-Hoisting a j-j-jib, d-d-d-dod r-rabbit 'em!"

"Murder me?" "It's no m-murder to kill your sort!" "Then it is a pistol you have in your pocket, there?" "Yes l-look at it!" And, speaking, Barrymaine drew and levelled the weapon with practised hand. "Now listen!" said he. "You will s-sit down at that table there, and write Gaunt to g-give me all the time I need for your c-cursed interest " "But I tell you "