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Springing in he turned his horses' heads once more toward the Place Louis XV. and the Champs Elysées, and, while he guided them through the crowded and badly lighted thoroughfare, Calvert had leisure to think upon the events of the last hour. It was with resentment and shame he reflected upon his friend's airy insolence to the pretty caissière of the Café de l'École.

The fact that for centuries women have been members and professors in the Academy of St. Luke, and in view of the recent action of l'École des Beaux Arts, this narrowness of the American Academy in the Eternal City is especially pronounced. One can but approve the encouragement afforded women artists in France, by the generosity with which their excellence is recognized.

Eve and her serpent seem to me a pretty little case of symbolical adultery; you must suppress the Psalms of David, inspired by the highly adulterous love affairs of that Louis XIV. of Judah; you must make a bonfire of Mithridate, le Tartuffe, l'Ecole des Femmes, Phedre, Andromaque, le Mariage de Figaro, Dante's Inferno, Petrarch's Sonnets, all the works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the romances of the Middle Ages, the History of France, and of Rome, etc., etc.

Hélot also escaped with a burning in effigy when his L'Ecole des Filles was burnt at the foot of the gallows . Lyser, who spent his life and his property in the advocacy of polygamy, was threatened by Christian V. with capital punishment if he appeared in Denmark, and his Discursus Politicus de Polygamia was sentenced to public burning .

Germain L'Auxerrois. And now we were skirting the Quai de l'École, looking down upon the bath known in those days as Molino's a hugh, floating quadrangular structure, surrounded by trellised arcades and rows of dressing-rooms, with a divan, a café restaurant, and a permanent corps of cooks and hair-dressers on the establishment.

One whole scene is almost translated from the Critique de l'Ecole des Femmes. Fidelia is Shakspeare's Viola stolen, and marred in the stealing; and the Widow Blackacre, beyond comparison Wycherley's best comic character, is the Countess in Racine's Plaideurs, talking the jargon of English instead of that of French chicane.

"Je trouve que c'est une folie de vouloir etudier le monde en simple spectateur. * Dans l'ecole du monde, comme dans cette de l'amour, il faut commencer par pratiquer cc qu'on veut apprendre."* ROUSSEAU. * I find that it is a folly to wish to study the world like a simple spectator. * In the school of the world, as in that of love, it is necessary to begin by practising what we wish to learn.

He lived at Paris, in meagre but contented fashion, RUE DE L'ECOLE MILITAIRE, till 1778; and seems, of all the Ex-Prussian Frenchmen, to have known most about Friedrich; and to have never spoken any falsity against him. Peace is made. Peace of Dresden is signed, Christmas Day, 1745: "To me Silesia, without farther treachery or trick; you, wholly as you were."

Others, Vaublanc for example, thought there was more show than substance. Here and there the text is very difficult to decipher, but the line "Parti pour l'école de Paris, le 30 Octobre 1784" is perfectly legible. Las Cases, in the Mémorial, Vol. Be that as it may, Bonaparte's defiant scorn and habits of solitary study grew stronger together.

On entering his Majesty's chamber he made a deep bow, and stood much embarrassed. "It surely cannot be you who made shoes for me at the l'ecole militaire?" "No, your Majesty, Emperor and King, it was my father." "And why don't he do so now?" "Sire, the Emperor and King, because he is dead." "How much do you make me pay for my shoes?" "Your Majesty, Emperor and King, pays eighteen francs for them."