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Compare the striking instance of this moment as given by Froebel, in his Autobiography, in connection with his idea of the Kindergarten. Quoted by Arréat, Mémoire et Imagination, p. 118. Cf. the well-known doctrine of Empedocles. P. Souriau, Théorie de l'invention, pp. 6-7. Is imagination, so often called "a capricious faculty," subject to some law?

"L'invention nest-elle pas la poesie de la science? . . . Toutes les grandes decouvertes portent avec elles la trace ineffacable d'une pensee poetique. Il faut etre poete pour creer.

As always happens, the adherents of the poorer and narrower culture had no sympathy with, because no understanding of, a culture richer and more ample than their own: after the discovery of wheat they would still live upon acorns apres l'invention du ble ils voulaient encore vivre du gland; and would hear of no service to the higher needs of humanity with instruments not of their forging.

"BIBLIOGRAPHIE INSTRUCTIVE; OU, TRAITÉ DE LA CONNAISSANCE DES LIVRES RARES ET SINGULIERS; contenant un catalogue raisonné de la plus grande partie de ces livres précieux, qui ont paru successivement dans la république des lettres, depuis l'invention de l'imprimerie jusqu'

Of course there are women to whom nature has been niggardly in the matter of roundness of form, but even these need not despair; if they cannot show their own busts, they can show something nearly as good, since we read the following, which we forbear to translate: "Autre excentricité. C'est l'invention des poitrines adhérentes

Antoinette de Pons, Marquise de Guercheville, whose second husband was Charles du Plessis, Seigneur de Liancourt, First Equerry, and Governor of Paris. Remarques sur l'Invention de la Bibliothèque, de M. Guillaume, art. 33. Mercure Français, 1610, pp. 419-423. Mercure Français, 1610, p. 423. François de Bonne, Duc de Lesdiguières, was born at St. Bonnet, in Upper Dauphiny, in 1543.