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His face and hands were all black and blue in streaks, and so were the bits of his feet that showed between his Indian dressing-gown and his Turkish slippers. The word "Krikey" fell from more than one lip. "What are you staring at?" he asked. We did not answer even then, though I think it was less from keep-your-wordishness than amazement. But Jane did. "Nyang, Nyang!" she uttered tauntingly.

'He rang for you just after you went out at a quarter-past twelve. Here Foxall glanced mischievously at the clock. 'He had his lunch sent in, and he's been raving ever since. 'What did you tell him? 'I told him you'd gone to lunch. 'Did he say anything? 'He asked whether you'd gone to Brighton for lunch. Krikey! He nearly sacked me! You know it's his golfing afternoon. 'So it is.

But when we opened the door we almost fell in a heap on the matting, and no one had breath for a word not even for "Krikey," which was what we all thought.

He emerged, and the others too, and they stretched their backs and the word 'krikey' fell from more than one lip. It had indeed been a cramping adventure. Bushes grew close to the mouth of the tunnel, so we could not see much landscape, and when we had stretched our backs we went on upstream and nobody said they'd had jolly well enough of it, though in more than one young heart this was thought.

There was a great wet patch in the ceiling, and that was blue, instead of white like the dry part, and the water dripped from different parts of it. In a moment Oswald was quite unmanned. 'Krikey! he said, in a heart-broken tone, and remained an instant plunged in thought. 'What on earth are we to do? Dicky said. And really for a short time even Oswald did not know.

"When the first'n drops I lays down flat on the duckboards and one bursts just aside o' me an' smothers me with earth. Then another'n bursts an' I 'ears a man 'oller out krikey, 'e didn't 'alf scream. I gets up and another'n bursts, so I flops down agin, but it didn't come so near that time. I waits a bit an' then I gets up an' goes to see what they done.

None of us would have advised this, and indeed we were thinking of trying to put it back, when Denny and Noel, who were wishing to look like highwaymen, with brown-paper top-boots and slouch hats and Turkish towel cloaks, suddenly stopped dressing and gazed out of the window. 'Krikey! said Dick, 'come on, Oswald! and he bounded like an antelope from the room.

Then someone brings a light an' I sees an orderly lyin' by the side o' the bed with a big 'ole in 'is face an' the blood pourin' out. I goes roun' to the other side gorblimy an' there I sees the Sister lyin' on the floor with 'er 'ead blown clean off I dunno where it was blown to, I couldn't see it nowhere. Krikey, it wasn't 'alf a sight to see 'er body without a 'ead lyin' in a pool o' blood.