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The sailors' deck they named "the Kotla"; and then, as a climax to their description of this great ark, added, "And what sort of a town is it that you must climb up into with a rope?" The effect of the politeness of the officers and men on their minds was most beneficial.

The women came forth to meet us, making their curious dancing gestures and loud lulliloos. Some carried a mat and stick, in imitation of a spear and shield. Others rushed forward and kissed the hands and cheeks of the different persons of their acquaintance among us, raising such a dust that it was quite a relief to get to the men assembled and sitting with proper African decorum in the kotla.

Four or five feet in front of my tent is placed the principal or kotla fire, the wood for which must be collected by the man who occupies the post of herald, and takes as his perquisite the heads of all the oxen slaughtered, and of all the game too. Each person knows the station he is to occupy, in reference to the post of honor at the fire in front of the door of the tent.

A man hailed us from the chiefs quarters, and requested us to rest under the old Kotla, or public meeting-place tree. A young Makololo, with the large thighs which Zulus and most of this tribe have, crossed over to receive orders from the chief, who had not shown himself to the people since he was affected with leprosy.

Reception at Linyanti The court Herald Sekeletu obtains the Chieftainship from his Sister Mpepe's Plot Slave-trading Mambari Their sudden Flight Sekeletu narrowly escapes Assassination Execution of Mpepe The Courts of Law Mode of trying Offenses Sekeletu's Reason for not learning to read the Bible The Disposition made of the Wives of a deceased Chief Makololo Women They work but little Employ Serfs Their Drink, Dress, and Ornaments Public Religious Services in the Kotla Unfavorable Associations of the place Native Doctors Proposals to teach the Makololo to read Sekeletu's Present Reason for accepting it Trading in Ivory Accidental Fire Presents for Sekeletu Two Breeds of native Cattle Ornamenting the Cattle The Women and the Looking-glass Mode of preparing the Skins of Oxen for Mantles and for Shields Throwing the Spear.

So long as we continue to hold services in the kotla, the associations of the place are unfavorable to solemnity; hence it is always desirable to have a place of worship as soon as possible; and it is of importance, too, to treat such place with reverence, as an aid to secure that serious attention which religious subjects demand.

The complainant asks the man against whom he means to lodge his complaint to come with him to the chief. This is never refused. When both are in the kotla, the complainant stands up and states the whole case before the chief and the people usually assembled there. He stands a few seconds after he has done this, to recollect if he has forgotten any thing.