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Roemer successfully performed ovariotomy on a child one year and eight months old; Swartz, on a child of four; Barker, on a child of four; Knowsley Thornton, on a child of seven, and Spencer Wells Cupples, and Chenoweth, on children of eight. Rein performed ovariotomy on a girl of six, suffering from a multilocular cyst of the left ovary.

In the Cape eland, also, the male is slightly darker than the female. Dr. Gray, 'Cat. of Mamm. in Brit. Mus. part iii. 1852, pp. 134-142; also Dr. Gray, 'Gleanings from the Menagerie of Knowsley, in which there is a splendid drawing of the Oreas derbianus: see the text on Tragelaphus. We meet in this species, as Mr.

It is a dazzling adventure for the house of Stanley, but they are not an imaginative race, and I fancy they will prefer Knowsley to the Parthenon and Lancashire to the Attic Plains. 'The Greeks really want to make my friend Lord Stanley their king. This beats any novel; but he will not. Had I his youth I would not hesitate, even with the earldom of Derby in the distance.

'And when shall we have the answer from Knowsley? inquired Taper. 'You anticipate no possible difficulty? 'I tell you it is "carte blanche," replied Tadpole. 'Four places in the cabinet. Two secretaryships at the least. Do you happen to know any gentleman of your acquaintance, Mr.

The mansion of Croxteth, the seat of Lord Sefton, stands near the public road, and, though large, looked of rather narrow compass after Knowsley. The rooks were talking together very loquaciously in the high tops of the trees near Sir Thomas Birch's house, it being now their building-time. It was a very pleasant sound, the noise being comfortably softened by the remote height.

Here too I was told that the famous Derby breed of the twelfth Earl had extended in past times throughout the length and breadth of the land; and the next visit to Knowsley convinced me that the legend was based on fact. As regards cruelty, all popular sports, fox-hunting and pigeon-shooting, are cruel.

'Very rough weather all the time. In September a journey to Edinburgh and on the 14th to Chesters, chronicled as 'my first visit to my daughter. A week later Reeve returned south; and, paying a few short visits on the way, including a day at Knowsley, was back at Foxholes by the 26th. From Count Vitzthum Villa Vitzthum, Baden Baden, August 30th. My dear Mr.

It was said of the late earl of Derby that even had he been born in a shepherd's cot on Salisbury Plain, instead of in the purple at Knowsley, he would still have proved himself a remarkable man. In local phraseology, he was "bound to get on," and so was Thomas Sutton.

I made some sad hearts light and happy with my money, thank God! Poor Stephen Knowsley had a sick mother and was three quarters behind with his rent. I gave him fifty pounds, and the tears that stood in his eyes were the sweetest thanks man could have. What gives such pleasure as plenty of money to help one's friends?

In her journal she records visits to meetings of Friends held at Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool and Knowsley. At the latter place they were guests of the Earl of Derby, and much enjoyed the palatial hospitality which greeted them.