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Prentiss's face did not relax. "Get it and bring it to my room at once." His voice was cold and businesslike, strongly reminiscent now of Kate's. Kate stood before a teetering knobless bureau reflecting upon the singular coincidence which should place her in the same room for her second social affair in the Prouty House as that to which she had been assigned upon her first.

It was after seven o'clock by the time he reached the Junction, and heavy mutterings of thunder could be heard in the west. "Does this street go through to the boulevard?" he asked of a man, pointing with his knobless whip. The lank person addressed removed his weight from the telegraph pole that had supported it and sauntered forward.

"I've gone so far now, that I believe I'd be willing to break things open with a charge of dynamite, if we couldn't get in any other way! Here I am, at the top. Now you hold my candle, and we'll see what happens!" She handed her candle to Cynthia, braced herself, and threw her whole weight against the low door, which was knobless like the one below. Then came the surprise.

There were some old clothes in the ramshackle deal wardrobe; there was some linen and underclothing in the knobless chest of drawers. With the exception of a Winchester repeating-rifle in excellent condition, a bandolier and ammunition-pouch, a hunting-knife and a Colt's revolver of large calibre, in addition to the weapon he carried, there was not an article of property of any value in the room.