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I've such a wretched memory for dates. To-day is the 19th. Yes, I should say the 24th will do very well indeed." "It will suit me admirably," said Austin, sitting down and beginning to write with great alacrity, while his aunt busied herself with her knitting.

"I'm sure I have, with only myself," said Miss Bennett, as she closed the door. "I'm sure I have," she repeated to herself as she resumed her knitting; "it's as much as I can do to make ends meet, scrimping as I do, not to speak of laying up a cent for sickness and old age." "But the poorhouse!" she said again.

As she reached the porch he said in an undertone: "I brought my horse and buggy. I thought you might possibly allow me to drive" But he was stopped by a distressful knitting of her golden brows. "No," she said quickly, but firmly, "you must not it won't do."

As the novels had all been put away into a cupboard, and the good books which were kept for the purpose strewed about in place of them, and as knitting, and even music, were tabooed, the girls, having nothing to do, would also go away at an early hour. 'John, would you mind staying a few moments with me? said Aunt Polly, in her softest voice when Caldigate was hurrying after his male cousins.

These girls were prepared to work, and work diligently, under the leadership of Mary Louise, for they had been planning and discussing this event for several days, patiently awaiting the word to start their campaign. "Some girls," said Mary Louise, "are knitting, and that's a good thing to do, in a way.

She was sitting beside me when I awoke and knitting a piece of work. The heat of the day was somewhat less, and she told me that it was past five o'clock by the sun-dial; so I knew that I must go. She made me take a packet of victuals and a bottle of milk, and as she put it into, my pocket the bottle struck on the butt of Maskew's pistol, which I had in my bosom.

"And Lucille?" he remarked. "What does she say?" "I have not spoken to her," the Duke answered. "The news has only just come." "We will speak to her," the Prince said, "together." Afterwards in the library there was a sort of informal meeting, and their opportunity came. "So you have failed, Countess," her host said, knitting his grey brows at her. She smilingly acknowledged defeat.

She taught the school, visited the families, and on Sundays read to such audiences as she could collect, took seven of the poor female children to live with her at the parsonage, instructed all who would learn in the arts of carding, spinning, weaving, knitting, sewing, braiding mats, etc.

And as she talked she grew handsome; so much so that Karen let her knitting fall to watch her aunt's face as she described Paul Sabiston's swift cutter "a mass of snowy canvas, stealing in and out of the harbor like a cloud." The coming of this man was the beginning of sorrow. In a few days he understood the situation, and he resolved to marry Karen Sabiston.

"No!" gasped Jane, unable to hide her surprise. "There, I knew you would take it that way. But be warned! Teddy is to be my partner for as many dances as his sister can spare," and Judith tucked a wad of shoestring in at her ankles as if the pocket were in a commodious knitting bag instead of a tennis shoe.