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The hills on either side increased in height, and gloomed darkly under a threatening sky. The aspect of the country gradually became wilder, though, wherever there was cultivation, it bore the same evidence of thrift and prosperity. After a steady walk of four hours, we reached the village of Råda, where our road left the beautiful Klar Elv, and struck northwards towards Westerdal, in Dalecarlia.

"Well, Bobby, I'se glad klar from de bottom of my heart ter see yer." "Even if you wouldn't go with us when we left?" "Oh, Bobby, dem war mighty tryin' times. You boys didn't know it, but Marster Robert hab giben me a bag ob money ter take keer ob, an' I promised him I'd do it an' I had ter be ez good ez my word." "Oh, Uncle Daniel, why didn't you tell us boys all about it?

On leaving Carlstad our route lay northward up the valley of the Klar Elv, in the province of Wermeland, and thence over the hills, by way of Westerdal, in Dalecarlia, to the head of the Siljan Lake. The greater part of this region is almost unknown to travellers, and belongs to the poorest and wildest parts of Sweden.

"I shan't never think she wuz quite right 'n her head, to do 't! I allow we shan't never set eyes on ter her, Jos. I've got jest thet feelin' abaout it. 'Pears like she'd gone klar out 'er this yer world inter anuther." The majestic bulwark of San Jacinto Mountain looms in the southern horizon of the San Bernardino valley.

The landlord was a tall, handsome fellow, whose friendly manners, and frank face, breathing honesty and kindness in every lineament, quite won my heart. Were there more such persons in the world, it would be a pleasanter place of residence. We took horses and bone-shattering carts in the morning, for a distance of thirteen miles up the valley of the Klar Elv.

He shook his head again and hummed in a melodious baritone: "Mädchen mit dem rothen Mündchen Mit den Äuglein süss und klar." "Aha!" laughed the professor, "I have seen more than one young man come to Australia to cure that disease. But I don't recommend the vineyard." "I also not. Mr. John Smith should squat," said Mr. von Greusen.

At Deye we left our carts, shouldered our packs, and trudged off on foot up the valley of the Klar Elv, which is here a broad lazy stream, filled with tens of thousands of pine-logs, waiting to be carried down to the Wener by the first freshet. The scenery charmed us by its rich and quiet beauty; it was without grand or striking features, but gently undulating, peaceful, and home-like.

Several rivers of considerable size empty their waters into the Wenern, among which is the Klar, a large and rapid stream having its source in the mountains of Norway, at a distance of two hundred and fifty miles to the north. Fishing and lumbering are the principal occupations of the inhabitants living on the islands and shores.

"Yes, yer older, but I wouldn't put it pas' yer eben now, ef yer foun' out whar it war." "Yes," said Iola, laughing, "they say 'caution is the parent of safety." "Money's a mighty tempting thing," said Robert, smiling. "But, Robby, dere's nothin' like a klar conscience; a klar conscience, Robby!"