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The company of players was out on the steamer, moving slowly up a quiet stream, one of the tributaries of the Kissimmee River. On either side of the swamp-like stream were tall trees, from which hung, in graceful festoons, streamers of the peculiar growth known as Spanish moss. In the background were palms and other semi-tropical plants.

"It would be pretty hard to get a moving picture of him, then," laughed Russ. Finally the train, which had been delayed by a slight accident, came along, and the weary players got aboard. In due season they reached Sycamore, a little village near the shores of Lake Kissimmee. Accommodations had been arranged for in advance, and soon the company was getting settled in the new quarters.

We were now approaching Lake Kissimmee, which we intended crossing on our way to the Saint John. Reaching a pine-island as those sandy elevations are called, rising out of the plain where we intended to camp, we saw the lake before us.

By the way, where did it say those girls started from? I didn't half read it." "From Sycamore, near Lake Kissimmee." "Well, Mr. Pertell did mention that we might get to the lake, but he didn't specify Sycamore." "No, and now I'm going to try and do as you said, and forget all about it," and Ruth laid aside the paper and resumed putting up her hair for the night.

"We are going to a little resort on Lake Kissimmee," said Helen Madison. "Perhaps we may see you there, if you ever make pictures in Florida." "I hardly think we are going that far," observed Ruth. "But if we do we shall look for you." Ruth little realized then how prophetic her words were, nor how she and Alice would actually "look" for the two girls.

The range of barren sand hills which extends from the north along the middle of Florida to the headwaters of the Kissimmee River ends at Cat Fish Lake. Excepting these modifications, the topography of the whole Indian country of Florida is substantially the same as that which we traversed on the way from Myers into the Big Cypress Swamp and the Everglades.

We kept up the lake shore to the north on the sandy beach, towards the mouth of the Kissimmee River, which here enters the lake. This is a deep and rapid stream, which drains the great wet prairies to the north, and in the rainy season must carry a large volume of water. Like the lake, it has great patches of water-lettuce, which in some places almost bridge the channel.

Augustine by way of Jacksonville this day week." "And will all the scenes be taken in St. Augustine?" asked one of the company. "No, we shall go into the interior. I expect we may go to a place near Lake Kissimmee, and there " "Lake Kissimmee!" exclaimed Alice DeVere, in surprise. "What about it?" asked Mr. Pertell. "Are you afraid to go there?"

A motor boat had been arranged for to meet the party at Sycamore, where the headquarters would be for most of the work in the wilds of Florida. On this it was planned to take trips on Lake Kissimmee, and the river of that name. "And we may go as far as Lake Okeechobee," said Russ in speaking of the matter to Ruth. "That's down among the Everglades; isn't it?" she asked. "Close to them.

John's river and through the Kissimmee to Lake Okeechobee, where they had a great deal of sport shooting deer, bears and alligators; but at the same time the numerous moccasins and rattlesnakes afforded more amusement than was relished by several of the party. Returning north to Jacksonville, Paul made a run down the St.