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By a devout, consecrating self-denial which manifests itself in eating and drinking, in singing and dancing, at kirmess, charity balls, amateur theatricals, garden parties; where the cost of our XV. Siecle costume is quadruple the price of the ticket that admits to our sacrifice of black and white kids in the same sanctuary.

Once I'm away from this place I shall forget all about its petty frolics and its foolish parties." "Yes, you WILL!" exclaimed Jack, not at all impressed by Patty's statements, for he knew how untrue they were. "And the Country Club summer dance!" said Beatrice, regretfully. "Patty, how can you be reconciled to missing that? It's the event of the season! A fancy dance, you know. A sort of Kirmess.

Tuesday, November 22. Young people's dance. Courtesy to Missouri Commission on account of fire. Thursday, November 24. Thanksgiving day. Friday, November 25. Charity ball and Kirmess given by the ladies of St. Louis for the benefit of the Martha Parsons Free Hospital for Children of St. Louis, and for the fund for the Trades School for Girls of New York.

The latter were just beginning to dream of dances at Kinsley's, a stated Kirmess, and summer diversions of the European kind, but they had not arrived as yet. The first class, although by far the dullest and most bovine, was still the most powerful because they were the richest, money as yet providing the highest standard.

A short while ago, in winter, he had been much more talkative. What stories he had told of the factories down there, with their wheels and cylinders, their chimneys and kettles, their furnaces that had bellies as big as a beer-barrel at the kirmess in fact, much bigger as big as the pit of hell, with flames a yard long! He had grown accustomed to the heat, and now he was always cold, poor boy.

The enterprise in hand absorbs our sense of the ultimate object; as when, after three days of hand-to-hand battle to wrest money for the freedmen from the patrons of a Kirmess at the old roller-skating rink, dear Mis' Amanda, secretary and door-tender, handed over our $64.85 with the wondering question: "What do they mean by Freegman, anyway? What country is it they live in?"