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"Yas, suh, I wuz er standin' dar at de cornder o' de house at de time, an' I yered you tell him, an' I would er blebed it, ez I tell you, but dat man is sich er monst'us twister o' de fack dat nuthin' said ter him soun's like de truf. I blebed it when you told him, but de minit he told me it sounded like er lie." "Kintchin, that's putty good sense, anyhow."

"Auntie, you'll have to buy something after that," said Tom. "I don't see how you can get away from it." "Then I will show you. I wish you would tell Kintchin that we are ready to go." When Jim and Mrs.

With the coming of daylight Margaret arose while yet the others slept, and breakfast was ready with the rising of the sun. "You must be plannin' a big day's work," said Mrs. Spencer, and Margaret replied: "Yes, for I can't see the end of it. Kintchin, ketch the gray mare an' put the side saddle on her. An' now, you folks kin stay here jest as long as you please." "Why, where air you goin'?" Mrs.

Mayfield walked down the road, and Kintchin with an improvised tune took up the axe which Jasper had stuck into the log. But just as he was about to begin the work of grinding it, Mose Blake, shoving a wheelbarrow, came into the yard. "Whar's S S S S Star " "Talkin' ter me?" "Ye y y y yes." "Den why don't you?" "I a a a am." "You ain't said so." "Shut yo' b b b black mouth."