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I've got a hole where I kin watch it every four hours. When the time comes, I'm thar! Don't you see? That's me! that's David Fairley, that's the old man, you bet!" "That's so," said Lance, curtly. "And now, Mr. Fairley, if you'll hand me over a coat or jacket till I can get past these fogs on the Monterey road, I won't keep you from your diamond pit."

"Have you sent fer a doctor?" he asked as Harriet came in. "Yes; Dr. Lash, but he may not be at his office." "Send for Dr. Wells," he ordered a man at the door. "That's right," he added to Harriet, who had knelt by the bed and was holding the lips of the wound together, "keep the cut closed as well as you kin! I'll go tell 'im to use my hoss."

"He has a residence rent free, and two hundred drachmae a month." "That is not so very little. What is the man's name, and of what kith and kin is he?" "He is called Keraunus, and is of ancient Macedonian descent.

"Then why don't he make people good?" "I said, he kin do what he likes. He don't like to do people's own work for 'em. He doos make 'em good, as soon as they're willin' and ask him. But the man sick with the palsy had to rise and take up his bed and walk; and what's more, he had to believe fust he could do it. I know the Lord gave the power, but the man had his part, you see."

When a man dies his real property instantly passes to his heirs and his personal property descends in accordance to the local statute of distributions or, if there isn't any, to his next of kin; but if he leaves a will, to the extent to which it is valid, it diverts the property from its natural legal destination.

He paused, and folded his arms, and his strong fingers grasped his tensed biceps until the knuckles stood out, as he went on: "I reckon they hain't none of them thet kin hate harder'n me.

With ordinary care, and in good soil, the pin-oak grows rapidly, and the characteristic spreading habit and the slightly down-drooping branches are always attractive. In its age it has not the ruggedness of its kin, though it assumes a stately and somewhat formal habit, and, I must confess, accumulates some ragged dead branches in its interior.

Thus we have an ancestor who gives us the right, as a distinguished American scholar once said to me, to consider ourselves "Founders' kin to the United States" a piece of family pride which no man can deem snobbish or ridiculous. William Strachey wrote a very remarkable letter describing the shipwreck, or rather tempest.

Louvania Bence, the only remaining child of the widow, had, two weeks before, left her work at the mill, taken the trolley in to Watauga, walked out upon the county bridge across the Tennessee and jumped off. Johnnie had read the published account, passed from hand to hand in the mountains where Pap Himes and Mavity Bence had troops of kin and where Louvania was born.

"You bet you have, little pardner. You jest come over to the house and fill up on salt pork and sauerkraut. You kin stay all summer if you want to. Hungry?" "So hungry that, if my collar were loose, it would be falling down over my feet," grinned the lad. There was rejoicing on the part of his fellows, and relief in the heart of Mr.