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We had 5,000 kilograms of provisions on board, chiefly rice and dried fish, all stored in tin cans carefully closed with solder. There were also numerous packages containing various necessary articles, the assorting of which would be more conveniently done in Puruk Tjahu. We also brought furniture for a new pasang-grahan in Muara Tewe, but the steamer could have taken much more.

The latest of these is a Voisin triplane, which has a total lifting capacity of two tons, carries a crew of five men, and is driven by four propellers, each operated by a 210-horse-power Hispana-Suiza motor. These new motors weigh only about two hundred kilograms, or a little over two pounds per horse-power. During the past year the French have made most of their raids by nights.

We reached a depth of 16,000 meters four vertical leagues and by then the Nautilus's plating was tolerating a pressure of 1,600 atmospheres, in other words, 1,600 kilograms per each square centimeter on its surface! "What an experience!" I exclaimed. "Traveling these deep regions where no man has ever ventured before! Look, captain!

In the course of the operations British machines fought several actions against German machines, three of which were felled. On the following night between 8 and 9 o'clock eight British aeroplanes executed a fresh bombardment of these works, dropping 1,800 kilograms of projectiles. Several fires were observed. All British machines returned safely.

Its tongue, also of horn substance and armed with several rows of sharp teeth, would flicker out from between these genuine shears. What a freak of nature! A bird's beak on a mollusk! Its body was spindle-shaped and swollen in the middle, a fleshy mass that must have weighed 20,000 to 25,000 kilograms.

A drawback is that the ribbon can be blown out of the magnetic gap by sudden puffs of air when a speaker gets too close to the microphone, so the casing is lined with several layers of chiffon which let in the sounds but not the air. Without its base the ribbon microphone weighs 4 kilograms, nearly 9 lbs.

If we take 1 kilogram of water at 0° C. and blow steam from boiling water at 100° C. into it until the water just boils, and then stop and weigh the resulting water, we shall find it amounts to 1·187 kilograms, so that 0·187 kilogram of water which was in the gaseous steam form, and had besides a sensible heat of 100° C., has changed its state to that of liquid water.

This "et cetera" won't keep me from mentioning one more fish that Conseil, with good reason, will long remember. One of our nets had hauled up a type of very flat ray that weighed some twenty kilograms; with its tail cut off, it would have formed a perfect disk.

But if 0·187 kilogram of steam at 100° C. can heat 1 kilogram of water through 100 degrees, then 1 kilogram of steam can raise 5·36 kilograms of ice-cold water through 100 degrees, or 536 kilograms through 1 degree, and thus the latent heat of steam is 536 heat units. Effect of Increase of Pressure on the Boiling of Water.

To the enemies of aviation, who urge that the bird only sustains himself by warming the air he strikes, their answer is ready. Have they not proved that an eagle weighing five kilograms would have to fill fifty cubic meters with his warm fluid merely to sustain himself in space? This is what Robur demonstrated with undeniable logic amid the uproar that arose on all sides.