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'For, said she, 'he's got his eyes awake, though he do lie so helpless. He marks ye! 'Ah! ah! Kilne sniffed the air. Sally then rushed back to her duties.

The mourners felt hunger, or else thirst; but had not, it appeared, amalgamated the two appetites as yet. Thirst was the predominant declaration; and Grossby, after an examination of the decanters, unctuously deduced the fact, which he announced, that port and sherry were present. 'Try the port, said Kilne. 'Good? Barnes inquired.

'Undertakers' gloves seem to me as if they're made for mutton fists, remarked Welbeck; upon which Kilne nudged Barnes, the butcher, with a sharp 'Aha! and Barnes observed: 'Oh! I never wear 'em they does for my boys on Sundays. I smoke a pipe at home. The Fallow field farmer held his length of crape aloft and inquired: 'What shall do with this? 'Oh, you keep it, said one or two.

The mourners felt hunger, or else thirst; but had not, it appeared, amalgamated the two appetites as yet. Thirst was the predominant declaration; and Grossby, after an examination of the decanters, unctuously deduced the fact, which he announced, that port and sherry were present. 'Try the port, said Kilne. 'Good? Barnes inquired.

'Undertakers' gloves seem to me as if they're made for mutton fists, remarked Welbeck; upon which Kilne nudged Barnes, the butcher, with a sharp 'Aha! and Barnes observed: 'Oh! I never wear 'em they does for my boys on Sundays. I smoke a pipe at home. The Fallow field farmer held his length of crape aloft and inquired: 'What shall do with this? 'Oh, you keep it, said one or two.

Barnes undertook to explain; but Kilne, who relished the narrative quite as well, and was readier, said: 'Look here! I 'll tell you. I had it from his own mouth one night when he wasn't not quite himself. He was coming down King William Street, where he stabled his horse, you know, and I met him. He'd been dining out-somewhere out over Fallow field, I think it was; and he sings out to me, "Ah!

A very intelligent 'I ought to know, with a reserve of regret at the extension of his intimacy with the particular vintage under that roof, was winked by Kilne. Lawyer Perkins touched the arm of a mourner about to be experimental on Kilne's port 'I think we had better wait till young Mr. Harrington takes the table, don't you see? 'Yes,-ah! croaked Goren.

'For, said she, 'he's got his eyes awake, though he do lie so helpless. He marks ye! 'Ah! ah! Kilne sniffed the air. Sally then rushed back to her duties.

In single file these mourners entered the publican's house, where Kilne, after summoning them from behind the bar, on the important question, what it should be? and receiving, first, perfect acquiescence in his views as to what it should be, and then feeble suggestions of the drink best befitting that early hour and the speaker's particular constitution, poured out a toothful to each, and one to himself.

And if he can contrive, or has any good wife at home to help him, to die without going to the dogs, they are, one may say, unanimous in crying out the same eulogistic funeral oration as that commenced by Kilne, the publican, when he was interrupted by Barnes, the butcher, 'Now, there's a man! Mrs. Harrington was sitting in her parlour with one of her married nieces, Mrs.