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It does seem rather odd, my sitting cheek by jowl with Mr. Monk and gentlemen of that kidney; but they don't bite. I've got one of our own set at the head of our own office, and he leads the House. I think upon the whole we've got a little the best of it." This was listened to by Mr. Wharton with great disgust, for Mr.

This is thrown high and descends spirally, twisting so rapidly throughout its course that it appears to be a solid disc. This is also used as a windmill, being affixed to a spindle. Children run with the toy against the wind and find similar ecstasy to those of whites of their age and kidney. The sea-beach supplies in plenty a missile which, from the hands of a black boy, has a fantastic flight.

You guess you got me squealin' around like a suckin' kid. You! An' I took you out o' jail, wher' they was goin' to set you swingin'. Gee! I could tell you a heap, but I ain't no time talkin' to bastards of your kidney. Swingin's too good fer sech as you. Anyway, when I got work to do I do it myself. Here, you, Ned, an' you, Sully, stand aside!" She saw the two men withdraw.

He kept his place unperturbed, and looked at her seriously, though by no means unamiably. Maya bowed politely. "Did the ball belong to you?" she asked, and receiving no reply added: "I am very sorry I threw it down." "Do you mean the dewdrop?" smiled the beetle, rather superior. "You needn't worry about that. I had taken a drink already and my wife never drinks water, she has kidney trouble.

Well, the laugh was scarcely over at this, when another fellow dived into my coat behind, and lugged out three sausages; and so they went on, till the ground was covered with ham, pigeon-pie, veal, kidney, and potatoes; and the only thing like a paper was a mess-roll of the 4th, with a droll song about Sir Harry written in pencil on the back of it. Devil of a bad affair for me!

This boat cost me a guinea, besides paying exorbitantly the people who carried our things; so that the inhabitants of Dover and of Boulogne seem to be of the same kidney, and indeed they understand one another perfectly well.

"A keen shot would throw over any invitation he had had previously for such a chance as my two best days," Augustus replied, pompously, helping himself to a second kidney and smearing it with mustard. "You just write this morning, and ask him to wire reply." "Very well," I said, reluctantly.

The large life insurance companies are now using this instrument. They would tell you that a high pressure like that indicates apoplexy. Mr. Pitts, young as he really is, is actually old. For, you know, the saying is that a man is as old as his arteries. Pitts has hardening of the arteries, arteriosclerosis perhaps other heart and kidney troubles, in short pre-senility."

"It must be eaten while it's hot, or it's worse than useless." "What is it?" he asked, with false calm. "It's a kidney omelette," she replied. "Omelette!" he repeated, rather at a loss. He had never tasted an omelette; he had never seen an omelette. Omelettes form no part of the domestic cuisine of England. "Omelette!" he repeated.

"He has a wife, Sir," observed Angus, "and the men of his own kidney think he would be rather better off if he had none." "Hoots, but I'm sorry to hear it," said the Laird. "What ails her, ken ye, laddie?" "As I understood, Sir, she had three grave drawbacks. In the first place, she is a widow with a rich jointure." "That's a queer thing to call a drawback!" said the Laird.