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They had presence of mind enough to release their incarcerated comrades and attempt another assault in force on the door. But it came to nothing. In vain they shouted, threatened, entreated, kicked. They only received facetious answers from inside, which aggravated their misery.

In doing so they had come within reach of Jeanette's heels; who, at that moment not being in the best temper had no doubt let fly, and kicked one of them over, and this of course had led to a general onslaught from the whole herd. It was well for Jeanette that her masters arrived when they did, else her old ribs would soon have cracked under the sharp tusks of the enraged animals.

"I wonder if they saw anybody." He advanced to the door, and having first rapped with his knuckles and then kicked at it vigorously, tried the handle. "Locked," he observed, "but I see the key is in the lock, so we can get in if we want to. Let us try the back." The back door was locked, too, but the key had been removed. "He came out this way, evidently," said Thorndyke.

That very afternoon he and Tony rode the two donkeys, and Tony managed to get thrown, and even Jackanapes' donkey kicked. But it was jolting, clumsy work after the elastic swiftness and the dainty mischief of the red-haired pony. A few days later Miss Jessamine spoke very seriously to Jackanapes.

An interesting chapter might be written on the subject of illustrious dunces dull boys, but brilliant men. We have room, however, for only a few instances. Newton, when at school, stood at the bottom of the lowest form but one. The boy above Newton having kicked him, the dunce showed his pluck by challenging him to a fight, and beat him.

"A lawful command means an order established by law; now where is that law? besides, the captain told me when I kicked that blackguard down the hatchway, that there was only the captain who could punish, and that officers could not take the law into their own hands; why then has the master?" "His doing wrong as superior officer is no reason why you as an inferior should disobey him.

What'd Father Dumphy say to this, think yuh?" "He's a man. I know what he'd say. He'd tell me to go back to Cregan. I'll niver go back. Niver!" "Yuh won't! What'll yuh do, then? Where'll yuh go to?" "I'll niver go back. Niver! He's broke me best chiny an' kicked the leg off the chair an' overtoorned the table an' ordered me out o' the little bit o' home I been all these years puttin' together.

In a second Biffen's were swarming round Roberts in goal, Acton passed out to Chalmers, who was ready for the pass, and in a twinkling the ball was in the net. From the row you might have imagined the school had gone mad. The ball was kicked off again. Almost immediately Acton secured near the centre. He dribbled through the ruck of his opponents until he saw Bourne upon him.

I've got them roads and railways, and God knows what else whatever they wanted I've sat at the Board of Guardians, and done my best to keep down the rates, till they kicked me out to make room for men who would sell their souls for a sixpence, and made their living out of bribes!"

How he longed to remain in the Navy, now that he stood at the threshold of the life, uncertain whether he was about to be kicked across it into the outer world! After glancing around the table, the superintendent turned once more to the young man. "That will be all, at present, Mr. Dalzell." Saluting briskly, crisply, Dan wheeled about, marching from the room.