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"Oh, say rather a lion among sheep, a giant among pigmies!" laughed the Laureate, "For by my soul, a man who had the courage to scorn custom, and set the small hypocrisies of society at defiance, would be a glorious hero! a warrior of strange integrity whom it would be well worth travelling miles to see!" "Khosrul was such an one!" interposed Theos suddenly. "Tush, man!

All at once a voice marvellously tender, clear, and pathetic trembled on the silence, was it, could it be the voice of Khosrul?

"Prithee, trouble not thyself, most eminent Zel!" he answered nonchalantly ... "I will answer for my friend's discretion! Thou dost mistake his temperament, he is a budding poet, and utters many a disconnected thought which hath no meaning save to his own fancy-swarming brain, he saw the frantic Khosrul die, and the picture hath impressed him for the moment nothing more!

Khosrul started violently like one suddenly wakened from a deep dream, shading his eyes with his lean and wrinkled hand he stared dubiously at the young and gayly attired servitor, then pushed the goblet aside with a shuddering gesture of aversion. "Away ... Away!" he muttered in a thrilling whisper that penetrated to every part of the vast hall "Wilt force me to drink blood?"

All sorts of topics were discussed the laws, the existing mode of government, the latest discoveries in science, and the military prowess of the King but the conversation chiefly turned on the spread of disloyalty, atheism, and republicanism among the population of Al- Kyris, and the influence of Khosrul on the minds of the lower classes.

'Tis the mad Khosrul who is thus entrenched and fortified by the mob, as I live, that sweeping gallop of His Majesty's Royal Guards is magnificent! They will seize the Prophet this time without fail! Aye, if they slay a thousand of the populace in the performance of their duty! Come! let us hasten to the scene of action 'twill be a struggle I would not miss for all the world!"

Moreover all eyes were fixed fearfully on Khosrul, whose before rigidly sombre demeanor had suddenly changed, and who now with raised head, tossed hair, outstretched arms, and wild gestures looked like a flaming Terror personified.

This was Khosrul, the Prophet of a creed that was to revolutionize the world, the fanatic for a faith as yet unrevealed to men, the dauntless foreteller of the downfall of Al-Kyris and its King!

"The King?" he muttered under his breath, ... "The King? ... Then.. is Khosrul right after all, and must one learn wisdom from a madman? ... By my soul! ... If I thought..." Here he checked himself abruptly and turned upon Theos ... "Nay, thou art deceived!" he said with a forced smile.. "'Twas not the King! ... 'twas some rash, unknown intruder whose worthless life must pay the penalty of trespass!" and he drew his flashing weapon from his sheath.. "THIS shall unmask him! ... And thou, my friend, get thee away and home, . . fear nothing for my safety! ... go hence and quickly; I'll follow thee anon!"

Art thou already grown so disloyal a friend that thou wilt half repeat the jargon of yon dead fanatic Khosrul who dared to tell me I had served my Art unfittingly? Have I not ministered to grief as well as joy?