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At any rate, when the dead man's two sons had watched the pyre burn down into ashes, had performed the ceremonies of purification and were returning on separate elephants, for the Rani had insisted on this to the square before the palace for the proclamation of the new Rajah, the mob acclaimed Kharrak Singh with ardour.

"He caught me up on his spear, as a kite snatches up a kitten!" cried Kharrak Singh proudly. "I felt the breath of the unclean beast on my leg!" Partab Singh turned to his guards. "Bring hither the heads of the liars who spake evil of my friend Jirad Sahib, and lay them before him." Then to Gerrard, "My face is black, O my friend.

The one spot of light in the gloom was the behaviour of little Kharrak Singh, who proclaimed and exercised his royal will in the matter of seeking the society of Jirad Sahib.

Kharrak Singh appeared on the chief state elephant to ride with him out of the city, and insisted on his coming up into the howdah.

Horribly afraid that the quarry would break out in his absence, he seized the white pony's bridle, and in spite of Kharrak Singh's vehement opposition, led him back to his guardians and bade him stay with them.

They expected sufficient to make them all rich for life, and there was only just about enough to settle Sher Singh comfortably on the gaddi." "Just what I calculated only it was for poor little Kharrak Singh." "Well, they held palaver upon palaver to decide whether they should hang the expense and plump for immediate war, beginning upon me.

If he had merely planned the murder from here, he would certainly have accorded me the interview I asked for, so as to secure an unassailable alibi. But I can't help seeing that unless one of the accomplices confesses, which is highly unlikely, it will be next to impossible to bring it home to him. Poor little Kharrak Singh!

But she desires me to say to your honour that evil is certainly determined, and to bid you depart in safety while you may, that you share not the fate of her son and herself." "I go to Agpur to set Kharrak Singh on the gaddi," said Gerrard doggedly. "Bid the Rani beware of poison, and eat and drink nothing that has not been prepared by one she trusts."

You, O my friend, are the man I intend to appoint as regent, together with the mother of Kharrak Singh, should I die while he is still a child." "I am grateful for the honour, Maharaj-ji, but I could not accept it without leave from my superiors." "That leave will undoubtedly be given when they know that you alone have power to keep the troops in good humour.

"O my friend, I have tried you with gold and with fear and with the lust of power, and you have stood the test. Now I am about to repose such confidence in you as hardly one man of your race has known since the world began. You will come with me into the zenana, that the mother of Kharrak Singh may know whom she is to trust.