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Lars Hansen broke into a resounding laugh. "That will be the deuce of a joke!" he groaned, smacking his thighs. "Then they'll have to come to us, for no one else will be able to sort them out again so quickly! I'll take them the keys myself I'll go upstairs as innocent as anything!" Pelle thanked him again. "You'll save the whole Cause," he said quietly.

"It was always spoken of as a charm," though its ancient maker may have intended it for some prosaic practical use. I take the next example that comes to hand. "Thin flat oolite stones, having a natural perforation, are found in abundance on the Yorkshire coast. They are termed "witch stones," and are tied to door keys, or suspended by a string behind the cottage door, "to keep witches out."

The hand that evokes such perfect music from the instrument has often failed in its touch, and bungled among the keys. And if a man derives skill from his own failures, so does he from the failures of other men. Every unsuccessful attempt is, for him, so much work done; for he will not go over that ground again, but seek some new way.

Dr. Lanfranchi had taken his keys with him and had left no directions. Donna Aurelia had been twice to the house since her first departure from it, and had been unable to get access. The second time of failing, said the custode, she had "lashed into the street like a serpent from a cage. And nobody," he added, "nobody in this town, and nobody under heaven's great eye, can say where she has gone.

The loss of Italy was essential to the full effect of Napoleon's previous conquest. That and the imbecile characters of Napoleon's chief military opponents were the true keys to the great revolution of Brumaire. The stone which he rejected became the keystone of the arch.

Their tone was cold and hard. I looked at her and said half sadly, "Alice, why do you talk like this? You have drifted into this peevish sort of pessimism without forethought. How can you deliberately sit in a shadow when the sun is shining all around you. With beauty and riches and intelligence you have the keys to a world of happiness.

Her voice was like a far-away echo. They climbed the wooden steps to their hotel like glorified children who had been caught in a silver weft of enchantment. The lobby was semi-dark; they asked for their keys in whispers and exchanged good-nights in long-drawn undertones. "Until to-morrow, little one." "Until to-morrow." She entered the elevator with a smile on her lips and in her eyes.

So thoroughly had he been "frisked" that, as he felt his pockets carelessly, he found that nothing had been left except a bunch of keys that the rustlers had disdained as booty, and a convex piece of glass that belonged to an old telescope that he had been taking apart a day or two before.

These were the only goods she prized, and it was the grief of her life that, while she had strong boxes for her money, and locks and keys for her silver and her linen, there was no device whereby she could protect her store of memories from the slow wasting of forgetfulness.

'Poor little kids, said the gaoler. 'Oh, yes, said the captain. 'I've got kids of my own too. But it doesn't do to let domestic sentiment interfere with one's public duties. Good night. The soldiers tramped heavily off in their white and red and steel and gold. The gaoler, with a bunch of big keys in his hand, stood looking pityingly at the children. He shook his head twice and went out.