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I thought I should have found a great companye in the churche, and when I came there, the churche dore was faste locked; I tarried halfe an houre and more, and at last the keye was founde, and one of the parishe commes to me, and sayes, 'Syr, thys ys a busye day with us, we cannot heare you; it is Robyn Hoode's day; the parishe is gone abroad to gather for Robyn Hoode. I pray you let them not, I was fayne there to geve place to Robyn Hoode.

For instance, these windows have been staring at me daily, each with its nice little eyebrow of design, and I overlooked the design until my subconscious mind suggested to me that here, in all probability, lies Hellen's Keye."

I remembered the entry in Freeman's diary, concerning the loss of a "Keye," which hadn't been found among his father's papers, and of a secret which had died with the older man. "I think I told you," said The Author, "that this house was built by master masons, shortly after the Grand Lodge was established in London. Thirty-three is rather a significant number.

"I lost it, walking in my sleep," said The Author, disagreeably. "And now he's trying to make us believe that the design in the brick-work above our windows, just because it's the Greek fret, is Hellen's Keye," Alicia said, jestingly. "Well, you know, if a thing means anything, it's got to mean something," put in Mr. Johnson. "Ain't it the truth, though?" hissed The Author, with fury. Mr.

But wandryng vp and doune the wilde fieldes and driuyng their catteile afore theim, their wiues and their children ridyng in wagons by them. Thei obserued iustice, without constraint of lawe. Thei compted none offence more heinous, then thefte. As folke that had nothyng vndre locke nor keye, barre, nor bolte: but altogether in the open fielde. Thei nether occupied golde ne siluer.

"Weel, my lord, I hae gruppit her at last, an' I bude to come an tell ye. "Leave your beastly gibberish. You can speak what at least resembles English when you like." "Weel, my lord, I hae her unner lock an' keye." "Who, in the name of Satan?" "Mistress Catanach, my lord!" "Damn her eyes! What's she to me that I should be waked out of a good sleep for her?"

But there the thread snapped. "Do you remember the morning you told me, The Author's guess that 'Hellen's Keye' was the Greek fret, the design over all the windows and doors of Hynds House? The trail was plain then. I was to follow the line of the Greek key for three and thirty turnings, when I should come upon a sign. I tried and tried. And to-night I reached the end of it, Sophy. I found it."

And in the Sleep his Snake came and show'd him the untying of the Knot, and the Turning of the Keye. In proof whereof Shooba took me by the hand & Show'd me the Watcher in the Darke. "Do but one thing more for me, old Shooba: Put out the Fire in my Brain, Shooba, for I would Sleep. And I would Sleep here, in Secret, where none but the Watcher may see."

When J. call'd us, he was Beyond Speech & shee Hystericall with Affright. Thus the Whole Secret perishes, since Without the Keye & his Instructions 'twould be Impossible to Proceed." "This evening came Capt. B., the worst of the Plundering Crew that pluck'd Richard. 'Sirrah, says he, impudently, 'thy Brother owe'd me three thousand pounds. And he pulls me out a great fistfull of Billets.

"Turne Hellens Keye Three Tennes and Three," he quoted the doggerel verse. We looked at him mutely. "It is a tiresome truism," he went on, reflectively, "that what lies close to the eye often escapes observation.