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"Nay, Ketill," interposed his tormentor, very seriously, "this story passes belief, impose not on my youth." "How mean you?" exclaimed the black-bearded captain, wrathfully, his hand seeking his sword hilt. "Peace, Helgi," cried Estein, who saw that his good offices were needed; "and you, Ketill, heed not his jests. He is but young and foolish."

When they had reached the holm they anchored the ship close inshore, and two boat-loads of men were first sent to prepare the field of battle. Then when all was ready the two combatants, attended by Helgi and Ketill, were rowed ashore. Liot was gay and cheerful as a man going to a feast; while Estein sat silent in the stern, his thoughts busy with a landing at another island.

The Viking frowned and exclaimed, "Let those laugh who have tested my steel." "Well I know your bravery, Ketill," began the king, "and there is no man " At that instant the ring of men round him suddenly opened and Estein stood before his father. His face was more animated than any had seen it for many a long day, and in a firm voice he said, "I will lead this expedition."

When Ketill heard that King Harald was minded to put to him the same choice as to other men of might namely, not only to put up with his kinsmen being left unatoned, but to be made himself a hireling to boot he calls together a meeting of his kinsmen, and began his speech in this wise: "You all know what dealings there have been between me and King Harald, the which there is no need of setting forth; for a greater need besets us, to wit, to take counsel as to the troubles that now are in store for us.

"Shall I then sail when the snows have melted?" "Assuredly," replied the seer; "wouldst thou delay what the gods and the dead enjoin?" Jomar had returned early in the day, and they found him already wrapped up in his bear-skin fast asleep before the fire. "Gave he my warning to Ketill?" Estein asked Atli.

Ketill goes to Scotland, A.D. 890 Ketill Flatnose brought his ship to Scotland, and was well received by the great men there; for he was a renowned man, and of high birth.

The burly captain frowned and scratched his head, as though deliberating how to do a thing so foreign to his genius as the telling of a narrative. "On a certain day you left us," he began. "Well told indeed," cried Helgi, laughing, "an excellent beginning no skald could do it better." "Nay," replied Ketill, frowning angrily, "if you want matter for a jest, tell a tale yourself.

He rained in his blows like a hailstorm; but fast though they came, he was sparing his strength, and there was less vigour in his attack than there seemed. He bent all his energies on driving Liot back on the ring, shifting his ground as fast as his foe, heading off his attempts to move round, and all the while watching keenly for an opening. "He wins, Ketill! he wins!" cried Helgi.

This counsel then was settled, that they should leave the country, for the sons of Ketill urged it much, and no one spoke against it. Bjorn and Helgi wished to go to Iceland, for they said they had heard many pleasing news thereof.

"That you will not," replied Ketill. In an instant both swords were half-drawn. The men within earshot were too much surprised at this sudden change from Estein's usual manner to his followers to do more than look in astonishment at the dispute, and in another instant the blades would have clashed, when Helgi rushed between them. "What is this?" he cried.