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He found a clean hole that looked like it had been cut, an' run his finger through it an' laffed an' said, 'It wouldn't do to hang it up to dry, the wind 'ud blow it to pieces, but I kin use the planks, an' I'll resk a dollar more. The photographer got scared, an', while he was stoopin' down tryin' to feel o' the tent, Alf ketched the sheriff's eye an' said, 'I'll withdraw my bid if you don't hurry.

"Why, I kalkerlate to help you set the traps an' take out the quail when they're ketched, an' do a heap of sich hard work." "I intend to do all that myself, and it isn't work either. It's nothing but fun." "But I'll have a shar' in it anyhow," said Dan, with a grin, which showed that he felt sure of his position, "kase look at the boards I've split out fur you." David laughed outright.

"Yes, but it was a lark, and you sent me here to be ketched." "Now, hark at him, gents; did you ever hear such a wooden image of a man as that? Why, it were Frenchy sent you to bully the lads at the wheel, warn't it?" "Well, I won't tell a lie," panted the man, "it were, but I arn't been able hardly to breathe." "It was all a mistake, my lad," said Mr Frewen; "but we've re-taken the ship."

He went on inter the town an' got on a howlin' spree. An' while he was soberin' up the thing began to dawn on him. An' the nex' time he met Billy they had a fight. An' Dave got another woman to speak to Mrs Hardwick, an' Mrs Hardwick ketched young Tommy goin' past her place one day an' bailed him up an' scared the truth out of him.

Westerfelt," he said, "I hope you didn't give them fellers away." "Never dreamt of such a thing. What do you mean?" "I 'lowed you had by what that feller said just now." "What did he say?" "Why, he said they'd ketched the men right whar you left 'em, an' " "Well, what of that?" Westerfelt spoke impatiently. "I did pass the whiskey wagon.

But when mornin' come creepin' up over the mountings, fust thin' they knowed they see him on the bank, an' he called out to 'em to know if they'd ketched anythin'. The water jest run down my cheeks when I heerd the min'r ster tell that, an' it kinder makes my eyes wet every time I think on 't.

"The varmints have 'spicioned that one of the chaps in that 'ere canoe which passed before 'em is myself, and they're goin' for me like lightnin'. They've mounted their horses, and kept it up till they knowed they'd struck a p'int below me, and there they've signaled to each other that I'm still above 'em on the river, and still to be ketched."

Wa'al, putty soon the percession hove in sight, an' the' was a reg'lar stampede among the boys, an' when it got by, I run an' ketched up with it agin, an' walked alongside the el'phant, tin pail an' all, till they fetched up inside the tent.

"Good Lord," exclaimed Mammy, "dey must 'a' ketched him directly after he went away!" This conversation was carried on in such low murmurings that even a listener at a short distance could not have distinguished what was said; the three were very intent, but did not omit occasional cautious glances in the direction of the house.

There's men that would marry once a year if their wives would die fast enough, and there's men that seems to want to live alone." "If Ladd was a Mormon, I guess he could have every woman in North Riverboro that's a suitable age, accordin' to what my cousins say," remarked Mrs. Perkins. "'T ain't likely he could be ketched by any North Riverboro girl," demurred Mrs.