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Kasana's eyes flashed, and she exclaimed: "Because you love another, a woman of your own people, the one who sent Ephraim to you!" But Joshua shook his head and answered pleasantly: "You are wrong, Kasana! She of whom you speak is the wife of another." "Then," cried the young widow with fresh animation, gazing at him with loving entreaty, "why were you compelled to rebuff my father so harshly?"

So he kept silence that he might neither speak falsely nor blaspheme; but Kasana allowed him no peace, and he at last replied that aught which caused her sorrow was grief to him, but his people had no power over life and health, and when a Hebrew was ill, he often sent for an Egyptian physician.

We will remember this dead girl in our most sacred hours. Let us do for her corpse what we promised, and then set forth to show the man for whom Kasana sacrificed what she most valued that we do not love him less than this Egyptian woman." By Georg Ebers The prisoners of state who were being transported to the mines made slow progress.

It was therefore resolved to go to the assistance of the timorous. With joyous confidence they marched forward and, during the journey through the cool night, Ephraim and Nun described to Joshua how they had found Kasana and how she had died.

During the night he had firmly resolved to enter Pharaoh's army, that he might remain near Tanis and Kasana; but though he had only half comprehended Hosea's message, he could plainly discern that he intended to turn his back upon Egypt and his high position and meant to take Ephraim with him, should he make his escape. So he must renounce his longing to see Kasana once more.

The question whether he was a relative of Kasana sprang to his lips, and receiving an answer in the negative, he asked to what family he belonged. Ephraim bent his eyes on the ground for some time in embarrassment, and then requested the Egyptian to spare him an answer until he had talked with Hornecht's daughter.

Kasana's eyes flashed, and she exclaimed: "Because you love another, a woman of your own people, the one who sent Ephraim to you!" But Joshua shook his head and answered pleasantly: "You are wrong, Kasana! She of whom you speak is the wife of another." "Then," cried the young widow with fresh animation, gazing at him with loving entreaty, "why were you compelled to rebuff my father so harshly?"

She had looked enquiringly at him as she spoke, and he did not refuse to answer Hornecht had told him that he would be a welcome son-in-law. "And you?" asked Kasana, gazing anxiously into his face. "I," replied the prisoner, "was forced to say that though you had been dear and precious to me from your childhood, many causes forbade me to unite a woman's fate to mine."

Kasana had commanded Prince Siptah to release from their iron burden the unfortunates who were being dragged to a life of misery, openly confessing that she could not bear to see a chief who had so often been a guest of her house so cruelly humiliated. Bai's wife had supported her wish, and the prince was obliged to yield.

When she passed the prisoners, the prince was standing in the chariot beside the young beauty in her nurse's place, explaining in jesting tones the significance of the flowers in a bouquet, which Kasana declared could not possibly have been intended for her, because an hour and a quarter before she had not thought of going with the army.