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That is what Ker Karraje has permitted him to believe. The inventor thinks he is at home in Back Cup, that the riches accumulated in this cavern are his, and that if an attack is made upon the place, it will be with the object of stealing what belongs to him! And he will defend it under the impression that he has the right to do so! "Thomas Roch," I continue, "listen to me."

"I have often thought about the utility of having some other way of getting out besides the submarine tunnel. We never know what the future may have in store for us." "But the walls are so thick and hard," objected Ker Karraje. "Oh, with a few grains of Roch's explosive I undertake to reduce the rock to such fine powder that we shall be able to blow it away with our breath," Serko replied.

If the Ebba is not afraid to enter the ports of the United States by day, I rather fancy she prefers to enter the rocky channel of Back Cup at nightfall. I also fancy, somehow, that Ker Karraje and his companions will return to-night. August 10.

This only confirms my impression that the sole object of their trip is to reach an American port where the Count d'Artigas can procure the materials for making the explosive, and order the machines in some foundry. On the day fixed for their return the tug will go out through the tunnel again to meet the schooner and Ker Karraje will return to Back Cup.

"Lieutenant Davon, of the British Navy, of H.M.S. Standard, which is stationed at the Bermudas." Emotion choked me so that it was impossible for me to utter a word. "We have come to rescue you from Ker Karraje, and also propose to carry off Thomas Roch," he added. "Thomas Roch?" I stammered. "Yes, the document signed by you was found on the beach at St. George "

The warships can approach, land their men upon the island, demolish Back Cup with their shells. Ker Karraje and his band will be killed to a man. Can I hesitate at a murder that will bring about the chastisement of so many crimes? I advance to the shelf and stretch forth my hand to seize the chisel. As I do so, Thomas Roch turns round. It is too late to strike. A struggle would ensue.

The above is the text of the statement I have just drawn up. It says all that is necessary about the island, whose exact situation is marked on all modern charts and maps, and points out the expediency of acting without delay, and what to do in case Ker Karraje is in the position to employ Roch's fulgurator.

As this thought flashed through my mind, Ker Karraje said: "Very well, Serko, and if it becomes necessary some day to defend Back Cup and prevent any ship from approaching it . It is true," he went on, without finishing the reflection, "our retreat would have to have been discovered by accident or by denunciation." "We have nothing to fear either from accident or denunciation," affirmed Serko.

Ker Karraje exchanges a word or two with Engineer Serko and then enters his mansion. Later, in the afternoon, I see them walking up and down in front of the Beehive and talking earnestly together. Then they enter the new tunnel, followed by Captain Spade. If I could but follow them!

"When he has obtained possession of Roch's fulgurator whose power is, so to speak, without limit, Ker Karraje will be in a position to carry on his crimes with complete impunity. "It is therefore urgent that the states interested should destroy his lair without delay.