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Karnis had left hold of his companions' hands, for he wanted to wipe away the tears of devotional excitement that flowed down his withered cheeks; Orpheus had thrown his arms round his mother, and Porphyrius, who had joined a group of philosophers and sages, sent a glance of sympathy to the old musician.

Karnis assured him that he was, and the merchant, turning to his mother, went on: "And Olympius has not yet come home. It is always the same thing; he is as rash as a boy. If they should take him! The roads are swarming with monks. There is something astir. Bring out the chariot, Syrus, at once; and tell Atlas to be ready to accompany me. Cynegius here! Ha, ha! I thank the gods!"

Karnis, Herse, and Orpheus, among others, had made their way thither from the timber-yard, down the dry conduit, and an almost incessant stream of the adherents of the old gods had preceded and followed them. While Eusebius had been exhorting his congregation in the church of St.

In short she was so insubordinate that Herse lost patience and scolded her severely. The girl sprang up, flung on a handkerchief and in a moment would have crossed the plank to the shore; Karnis, however, held her back. "Why, child," he said, "do you not see how tired I am?"

During this conversation Dada had withdrawn her hand from the old man's arm to raise her veil, for two men had gone up to the gate between the images that had roused Karnis to wrath, and one of them, who at this instant knocked at the door, was Mary's son.

"The world can rejoice only under the auspices of the gods!" cried Karnis excitedly. "And it shall rejoice still, we will save it from gloom!" added the other with a flash of vehemence. "The times are fateful.

She was a heathen, and yet she had thrown into her song all that Agne herself could feel when she lifted up her heart in passionate prayer. The Christian so she had often been taught must have no part with the idolaters; but it was God himself who had cast her on the hands of Karnis, and the Church commanded that servants should obey their masters.

"The steward spoke of Porphyrius as the son of Philippus," Orpheus said. "And Philippus was a corn merchant, too," added Karnis. "Demeter was figurative of a blessing on the harvest, for it was from that the house derived its wealth, and Pallas Athene was patroness of the learning that was encouraged by its owners. When I was a student here every wealthy man belonged to some school of philosophy.

Karnis felt it as a great favor that his old friend, famous now for his learning the leader of his fellow-thinkers in the second city of the world, the high-priest of Serapis, to whose superior intellect he himself had bowed even in their student days should remember his insignificant person and allow him to give him the history of the vicissitudes which had reduced him the learned son of a wealthy house to the position of a wandering singer.

She knew now, for Karnis himself had told her. It was the Lament of Isis for her lost husband and brother oh that horrible heathen confusion! The departed Osiris. The wailing widow, who called on him to return with "the silent speech of tears," was that queen of the idolater's devils whose shameful worship her father had often spoke of with horror.