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Is there no Algerine, no Kamschatkan arrived? No plenipo-pacha, three tail'd and three wived? No Russian, whose dissonant, consonant name Almost rattles to fragments the trumpet of fame? By the bye, have you found any friend who can construe That Latin account, t'other day, of a monster? If we can't get a Russian and that story in Latin Be not too improper, I think I'll bring that in.

The Kamschatkan, when his boat is lost in the storm, attributes it to the vengeance of a god angered because he scraped the snow from his shoes with a knife, instead of using a piece of wood; if a Dakota has bad luck in hunting, he says it is caused by his wife stepping over a bone and thus irritating a spirit.

"Why, `What a malodorous effluvium!" said Henderson, imitating exactly the master's somewhat drawling tone; "`what a con-cen-trra-ted malarious miasma; what an unendurable' I say Power, give us the Greek, or Hebrew, or Kamschatkan, for `smell." "Odwde," suggested Power. "That's it to a T," said Henderson; "I bet you he observed, `What an un-en-duu-rrable osus. Now, didn't he?

This creature is the Kamschatkan dog not a wild species, as you may suppose, but the trained sledge-dogs of the Kamschatdales themselves; which at this season forsake the "ostrogs," or villages, and betake themselves to the borders of the lakes and rivers.

He asked me if I was not English and when I answered that I was an American, looked somewhat dazed, much as if I had said "New Zealander" or "Kamschatkan," and was about to ask me some further question, but upon consideration thought better of it, and turned away shrugging his shoulders.

These islands are aptly named, the word "Kurile" being Kamschatkan for smoke; and whether it be regarded as given in consequence of the numerous volcanoes which pour their fumes into the air, or the all-prevailing fog fostered by the Kuro Siwo, or Japanese counterpart of the Gulf stream, the designation is equally appropriate.

This voluntary submission to their "yoke" has been quoted as an illustration of the high training and faithful disposition of the Kamschatkan dogs; but it has its origin in a fur different motive than that of mere fidelity.

The effect of this, with Kamschatkan sledge-dogs, is to cause the whole team to halt; and so acted the dogs that Pouchskin was driving all five suddenly coming to a dead stop! Pouchskin endeavoured to urge them forward crying out the usual signal, Ha; but, in his anxious eagerness, Pouchskin placed the accent after the vowel, instead of before it; and instead of Ha! his exclamation sounded Ah!

The log-trap, or dead-fall, is also in use among the Kamschatkan hunters; and the penn formed around the mouth of the bear's cave, shutting him up, until an entrance can be dug into it from above. In the summer time the mode is different. Then the hunter lies in ambush, with his loaded rifle for the Kamschatdale carries this weapon in such places as he expects the bear to pass.

Is there no Algerine, no Kamschatkan arrived? No plenipo-pacha, three-tail'd and three wived? No Russian, whose dissonant, consonant name Almost rattles to fragments the trumpet of fame? POSTSCRIPT. By-the-bye, have you found any friend who can construe That Latin account, t'other day, of a monster? If we can't get a Russian and that story in Latin Be not too improper, I think I'll bring that in."