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This will dissolve the spell, and by-and-by you will have children. Anxious to have the spell removed from her husband, Nitambavati consented to this, and went at night to the appointed place. There she found Kalahakantaka waiting, and as the old woman had directed, put her foot into his hand while he knelt before her.

"On hearing this, Kalahakantaka, taking another name, went to Oujein; and there, having disguised himself as a mendicant, got admission to the merchant's house, saw the lady, whose beauty exceeded even his expectation, and was confirmed in his wicked purpose. "At this time a guardian or watchman was wanted for the public cemetery, and he applied for and obtained the office.

Indra, the chief of the inferior gods, presiding over the clouds, rain, thunder, &c. Kailâsa, a mountain, part of the Himâlaya chain. Kalahakantaka, the man who fell in love with a portrait. Kalindí, Queen of Pâtâla, wife of Matanga. Kalpasundari, wife of Vikatavarma, afterwards of Upahâravarma. Kâma or Kandarpa, the God of Love. Kâmamanjari, the actress who seduced the Muni.

"In a city called Madhura, there dwelt a man named Kalahakantaka, of great strength and vigour, ready at any time to take up the quarrel of a friend, famed for deeds of violence, and devoted to pleasures and amusements. "One day he saw a picture exhibited by a painter, a new-comer, and stopped to look at it. It was the portrait of a lady so beautiful that he fell in love with her at once.

"In this state she was found by Kalahakantaka, who cut the cords which fastened her, and, falling at her feet, confessed all that he had done, alleging his great love for her as an excuse for his cruel conduct: 'And now, said he, 'consent to be my wife, and I will carry you away to my own home in a distant country, where you will not be known.

Kalahakantaka, however, was not discouraged, and said to his messenger: 'Go again, and say to the lady: "Do you imagine that a person like me devoted to religious meditation, who have passed so many years in pilgrimages to holy places, would wish to lead you into sin? Far from it.