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In the beche-de-mer that was current among the blacks of a thousand islands and ten thousand dialects, the Arangi's procession of passengers assured her of her fate. "My word, you fella Mary," one would say to her, "short time little bit that big fella white marster kai-kai along you." Or, another: "Big fella white marster kai-kai along you, my word, belly belong him walk about too much."

"Maybe it wasn't poison after all," said Harriwell, dismally. "Call in the cook," said Brown. In came the cook, a grinning black boy, nose-spiked and ear-plugged. "Here, you, Wi-wi, what name that?" Harriwell bellowed, pointing accusingly at the omelet. Wi-wi was very naturally frightened and embarrassed. "Him good fella kai-kai," he murmured apologetically. "Make him eat it," suggested McTavish.

"Maybe it wasn't poison after all," said Harriwell, dismally. "Call in the cook," said Brown. In came the cook, a grinning black boy, nose-spiked and ear-plugged. "Here, you, Wi-wi, what name that?" Harriwell bellowed, pointing accusingly at the omelet. Wi-wi was very naturally frightened and embarrassed. "Him good fella kai-kai," he murmured apologetically. "Make him eat it," suggested McTavish.

There's no law against recruiting when you're empty. 'But there is against starving 'em, I said; 'you know yourself there ain't any kai- kai to speak of aboard of us, and there ain't a crumb on the Martha." "We'd all been pretty well on native kai-kai, as it was," said Sparrowhawk.

Sheldon began a speech. "This fella Arunga, me cross along him too much. I no steal this fella Arunga. I no gammon. I say, 'All right, you come along me Berande, work three fella year. He say, 'All right, me come along you work three fella year. He come. He catch plenty good fella kai-kai, plenty good fella money. What name he run away? Me too much cross along him.

It was Gogoomy talking, and as she listened she gripped her bridle-rein tightly and a wave of anger passed over her. "Dog he stop 'm along house, night-time he walk about," Gogoomy was saying, perforce in beche-de-mer English, because he was talking to others beside his own tribesmen. "You fella boy catch 'm one fella pig, put 'm kai-kai belong him along big fella fish-hook.

In the centre of the mantel was a stuffed bird-of-paradise, while about the room were scattered gorgeous shells from the southern seas, delicate sprays of coral sprouting from barnacled pi-pi shells and cased in glass, assegais from South Africa, stone axes from New Guinea, huge Alaskan tobacco-pouches beaded with heraldic totem designs, a boomerang from Australia, divers ships in glass bottles, a cannibal kai-kai bowl from the Marquesas, and fragile cabinets from China and the Indies and inlaid with mother-of-pearl and precious woods.

Bihaura was on the beach waiting for us, and she led Charmian into the house in much the same fashion that the mother leads in the naughty little girl who has been playing in mud-puddles. It was a change of clothes and a dry and quiet smoke while kai-kai was preparing.

Jerry needs must sniff, for future identification purposes, this graceless, limping, naked, one-eyed old man. And, when he had sniffed and registered the particular odour, Jerry must growl intimidatingly and win a quick eye-glance of approval from Skipper. "My word, good fella kai-kai dog," said Ishikola. "Me give 'm half-fathom shell money that fella dog."

Then a whole clan usually works together, the men helping quite energetically, until the fields are fenced in and ready for planting; then they hold a feast, a big "kai-kai," and leave the rest of the work to the women.