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Gholam Kadir replied by an assumed fit of ungoverned anger, and producing an intercepted letter from Shah Alam, calling upon Sindhia for help, ordered the Emperor to be disarmed, together with his personal guard, and removed into close arrest; and then, taking from the privacy of the Salim Garh a poor secluded son of the late Emperor Ahmad Shah, set him on his throne, hailed him Emperor, under the title of Bedar Bakht, and made all the courtiers and officials do him homage.

As we know that the Controller Manzur Ali, who was at present all-powerful, was in favour of the claims of Gholam Kadir, we may suppose that these terms were rejected with scorn, and the trenches were accordingly opened and the fort invested. On the 5th April, 1788, the besieged made a vigorous sally, and charged close up to the tents of the Emperor.

"Very well," he laughed, "tell me who stabbed you and I won't mention your name to Staff-Captain Abd el Kadir." "And these men? Will they say nothing?" "Not a word. Who stabbed you?" "Yussuf Dakmar! May Allah cut him off from love and mercy!" "Golly!" exploded Jeremy, forgetting not to talk English. "There's a swine for you!

"I did not tell him to go away because he has been here many times before, and because the dog-boy told me that if I told him to go away, that great dog would immediately slay me. He did not wish to speak to the Protector of the Poor, and he did not ask for anything to eat or drink." "Kadir Buksh," said I, "that was well done, for the dog would surely have killed thee.

Gholam Kadir had finally departed, leaving the Salimgarh by a sally-port, and sending before him the titular Emperor, the plundered controller of the household, and all the chief members of the royal family. The exact events which had passed in the interior of the palace that day can never now be known.

Even when I shut my enlightened eyes the sound was marvelously like that of a fast game. Entered angrily the faithful partner of my sorrows, Kadir Baksh. "This bungalow is very bad and low-caste! No wonder the Presence was disturbed and is speckled.

The army of Rana Khan, under these circumstances, withdrew under cover of night to Bhartpur; and Ismail Beg renewed the siege of Agra, while Gholam Kadir moved northward in order to protect his own possessions from an incursion of the Sikhs, with which he was then just threatened.

On the 15th August Lord Wellesley received a packet, which the collector of Moradabad had transmitted nearly a month before, containing translation of a letter from the Nawab of Najibabad, Bhanbu Khan, brother of the late Gholam Kadir, covering copy of a circular letter in which Sindhia was attempting to stir him and the other chiefs against the English as "that unprincipled race"; and begging them to co-operate with General Perron.

As half the town wanted to accompany me part of the road, and I was afraid that a demonstration might result, I determined to slip away quietly by night. Abd el Kadir and Lady Ellenborough were in the secret, and they accompanied me as far as the city gates, where I bade them an affectionate farewell. The parting with Lady Ellenborough affected me greatly. I was the poor thing's only woman friend.

Defection of Moghuls Confederates obtain possession of Palace Emperor deposed Palace plundered Gholam Kadir in the Palace Emperor blinded Approach of Mahrattas Apprehensions of Spoiler The Moharram Explosion in Palace Flight to Meerut Probable Intentions Capture of Gholam Kadir His Punishment Excuse for his Deeds Sindhia's Measures Future nature of Narrative Poetical Lament Col.