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Assuming it to have been drawn at Oxford, or not very long after he left, I think it must belong very nearly to a time when he was going off abroad on one of his long trips, and I had the sympathy of a dear old lady friend of ours on having to part with him. I remember replying, "Yes, it always seems as if peace and happiness, truth and justice, religion and piety went with him when he goes!"

The Lord Jesus Christ Himself said the same that if we seek first the kingdom of God and His justice, all other things should be added to them.

Now, were man to sacrifice his personal welfare for luxurious and advance enjoyments, perhaps I should accuse him only of imprudence; but, when he injures the welfare of his neighbor, a welfare which he should regard as inviolable, both from charity and on the ground of justice, I say then that man is wicked, inexcusably wicked.

"And that you would like to deliver up to justice the villains who have benefitted by your father's crime, and who think themselves sure of impunity?" Tears of anger fell from Maxence's eyes. "Do you wish to take away all my courage?" he murmured. "No; but I wish to demonstrate to you the necessity of the step which I advise you to take.

If you ask why few homicides are punished in the United States, and few escape in Canada I can not answer. Political expediency, party heelers, technicalities the dotting of an i, the crossing of a t, the omission of a comma have no effect whatsoever on Canadian justice. The courts are never defied, and the law takes its course.

But this rude man shews me too well with what tools I work. For me failure is nothing, I have already climbed to a greatness which might render giddy many a born prince's brain. But with my fall Rome, Italy, Peace, Justice, Civilization all fall back into the abyss of ages!"

I speak now of acceptation with reference to the justice of the law, and the judgment of God upon person or work, according to the self-same law. For so they both must be accepted through the self-same Mediator, or they cannot be accepted at all. Nor is it a thing to be wondered at, that a man should stand just in the sight of God, when polluted and defiled in his own sight.

It is certain that, if we had listened to our griefs, if we had called to legal account, the authors of our misfortunes, it is difficult to believe that they would have escaped the inflexible rigour of justice. But we have been generous, and it is we who are oppressed!

He was to have been set upon the pillory for this cheat; but John Taylour, the Water Poet, being his great friend, got the Lord Chief Justice Richardson to bail him, ere he stood upon the pillory, and so Hart fled presently into Holland, where he ended his days. It was my fortune, upon the sale of his books in 1634, to buy Argoll's Primum Mobile for fourteen shillings, which I only wanted.

Old Toussaint Derossier, the village justice, was brought forward, fumbling with his beloved wallet of papers, and made to sit upon an up-turned bucket with a slab across his knee and write in his long hand of the rue Henri the story that the men told. They were ready to tell.