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Ratio: quia ecclesia res adiaphoras non jubet facere vel omittere propter suum mandatum, sed tantum propter justas mandandi causas, ut sunt conservatio ordinis, vitatio scandali: quæ quamdiu non violantur, conscientias liberas relinquit. Sect. 13.

Concedis justas, leges et consuetudines esse tenendas, et promittis per te eas esse protegendas, et ad honorem Dei corroborandas, quas vulgus elegit, secundum vires tuas ? It would appear, from the text, that the Charter of Liberties and the Charter of the Forest were sometimes called "laws of the land."

BEFORE, they must know his povvaty well enough to be sure that paymint was out of the question. To do him justas, he seam'd to be inclined to do the thing that was right, now that it didn't put him to any inkinvenients to do so.

Hence Ames, quamvis ad justas leges humanas, justo modo observandas, obligentur homines in conscientiis suis a Deo; ipsae tamen leges humanae, qua sunt leges hominum, non obligant conscientiam.

"There was a smell of tea there there's always a smell of tea there the old lady was at her Bohee as usual. I advanced tords her; but ha! phansy my extonishment when I sor Mary Hann! "I halmost faintid with himotion. You were no longer mortial, you were diwine! "R! what little Justas the hartist has done to my mannly etractions in the groce carriketure he's made of me."*