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"By the jumped-up jedux," he shouted, "you pass me any more of that talk, you old hook-nosed cockatoo, and I'll slap your chops!" The unterrified veteran of the Viennese brandished his cane to embrace the throng of his red-shirted townsmen, who had been crowding close to hear. At last his flint had struck the spark that flashed with something of the good old times about it.

'Twas brought here by one of our machinists on the recommendation of a jumped-up jackanapes of a fellow who thinks " His eye caught Elizabeth-Jane's imploring face, and he stopped, probably thinking that the suit might be progressing. He turned to go away. Then something seemed to occur which his stepdaughter fancied must really be a hallucination of hers.

Then, sir, we shall hear no more of the bread and cheese and onions, pot-house scores, and low company, with which you have so unceremoniously taxed our lordship. You will drive your jumped-up coach, with your awkward wives and dowdy daughters, and your tawdry liveries, all the way from Russell Square to the Green Park, to catch the chance of a glimpse of our lordship.

"The corporations in this state are organized, they will protect their charters, they will make you let go of your wild scheme," bellowed the banker. "By the jumped-up Jehoshaphat, they will make you let go, Morrison! By the great " "Hush!" pleaded their host. "They can hear outside. No profanity!" Stewart had started toward the door; he paused for a moment when he had his hand on the knob.

No, I guess ther' ain't a heap of good feeling among the three of us. But before you leave here I want to say jest one thing, an' it's this. Sheriff or no sheriff, deputies or no deputies, if they're lookin' fer the Padre for murder I say it's a jumped-up fake. That man couldn't do a murder, not to save his soul. An' it'll give me a whole heap o' pleasure fixin' up your winter stores.

Pablo would doubtless believe he was a ghost returned to haunt old scenes; the majordomo would make the sign of the cross and start running, never pausing till he would reach the Mission of the Mother of Sorrows, there to pour forth his unbelievable tale to Father Dominic. Whereupon Father Dominic would spring into his prehistoric automobile and come up to investigate. Great jumped-up Jehoshaphat!

Why, if the world wasn't stuffed so full of jumped-up fools there'd be never no need for explainin'." Mary left the table. "What is it, Mary?" cried Aunt Emma. "I'm going across to Bertha," said Mary, putting on her hat with trembling hands. "It was me Uncle Abel saw. I had Bertha's cape on that night." "Oh, Uncle Abel," cried Aunt Emma, "whatever have you done?"

Then he fired up and gasped and choked once or twice; and then he cooled down suddenly and laughed his nastiest laugh he was one of those men who always laugh when they're wild and said in a nasty, quiet tone: "You thundering, jumped-up crawlers! "Well, the sooner you begin the better," I said; and I chucked the boot into a corner and bolted.

A good deal of what is called knowledge of the world, which one would have thought was only to be acquired in towns, nowadays penetrates into remote districts, so that country folk often have a good idea of "what's what" I once overheard the following conversation: "Who's your new master, Dick? He's a bart., ain't he?" "Oh no," was the reply; "he's only a jumped-up jubilee knight!"

"'e's as mad as a bloomin' 'atter," said Quoin, who was standing foreside of me. "'e's been queer all along." "Silence there!" shouted the Second Mate. Then: "Williams!" No answer. "Williams!" more loudly. Still no answer. Then: "Damn you, you jumped-up cockney crocodile! Can't you hear? Are you blooming-well deaf?" There was no answer, and the Second Mate turned to me.