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Thomas was on his right, within easy support, moving by cross-roads from Red Oak to the Fayetteville road, extending from Couch's to Renfrew's; and Howard was aiming for Jonesboro. I was with General Thomas that day, which was hot but otherwise very pleasant.

It was accordingly agreed that "each captain's company" in the counties of Washington, Lincoln, and Green should choose two delegates, who should all assemble as committees in their respective counties to deliberate upon some general plan of action. The committees met and recommended the election of deputies with full powers to a convention held at Jonesboro.

Indeed foraging parties were covering much of the territory between, and it was the nearest point where I could cross the stream otherwise than by swimming. "Are you going to Jonesboro?" I asked. She nodded silently. "Then may I ride that far with you?" I asked, rather doubtful of what she would say to such a request.

I asked him if he could direct me to Mr. Wright's house, as I had a letter for that gentleman. His answer was to grin at me incredulously. "I reckoned you wah'nt from these parts," said he. "Wright's-out o' town." "What is the excitement?" I demanded. He stared at me. "Nollichucky Jack's been heah, in Jonesboro, young man," said he. "What," I exclaimed, "Colonel Sevier?"

I do not know how it was found out that they were at Jonesboro, but anyhow, the news had come and Cheatham's corps had to go and see about it. Stewart's corps must hold Atlanta, and Stephen D. Lee's corps must be stretched at proper distance, so that the word could be passed backward and forward as to how they were getting along.

We must do more to keep our schools the safest places in our communities. Last year, every American was horrified and heartbroken by the tragic killings in Jonesboro, Paducah, Pearl, Edinboro, Springfield. We were deeply moved by the courageous parents now working to keep guns out of the hands of children and to make other efforts so that other parents don't have to live through their loss.

The officer bit on a sliver of toothpick that he held in his thin lips. "Accident up Jonesboro las' night, Peter." "What was it, Mr. Bobbs?" "Tump Pack got killed." Peter continued looking fixedly at Mr. Bobbs's broad red face. The dusty road beneath him seemed to give a little dip. He repeated the information emptily, trying to orient himself to this sudden change in his whole mental horizon.

Refreshed by this little touch of civilization, and with horses well fed, we rode on next morning towards Jonesboro, over a rolling, rather unpicturesque country, but ennobled by the Big Bald and Butt ranges, which we had on our right all day.

But of those who made the attempt the great majority had lived in that part of North Carolina's western lands which is now East Tennessee a mountainous region of which Jonesboro, a squatter town of fifty or sixty log-houses, was the metropolis. Nashville, whither Jackson was bound, was nearly two hundred miles west of Jonesboro, and the Nashville settlement was as yet less than ten years old.

In this he succeeded, and after defeating the enemy near Rough-and-Ready, Jonesboro, and Lovejoy's, forcing him to retreat to the south, on the 2d of September occupied Atlanta, the objective point of his campaign.