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The address which Nelly had given her was on the east side of Fifth Avenue. She made her way along Forty-second Street. It seemed the jolliest, alivest street she had ever encountered. The rattle of the Elevated as she crossed Sixth Avenue was music, and she loved the crowds that jostled her with every step she took.

"Betty was right," thought Mary afterward. "It was better to make fun of his teasing than to run off and cry because he happened to mention the subject. If I had done that, he never would have said to Betty afterward that I was the jolliest little thing that ever came over the pike. How much better this day has ended than it began."

Come, let's tackle the salmon." The winter term came to an end, and the School broke up. Upon the evening of the last Sunday, Warde said a few words to John. "I propose to make some changes in the house," he said abruptly. "Would you like to share No. 7 with Desmond?" No. 7 was the jolliest two-room at the Manor. It overlooked the gardens, and was larger than some three-rooms.

Yes, there were good times coming; and, when his master let him have a pull at the leavings of his beer, Tom was the jolliest boy in the whole town. One day a smart little groom rode into the court where Tom lived.

Carol had supposed that the Beavers were average citizens organized for the purposes of getting cheap life-insurance and playing poker at the lodge-rooms every second Wednesday, but she saw a large poster which proclaimed: BEAVERS U. F. O. B. The greatest influence for good citizenship in the country. The jolliest aggregation of red-blooded, open-handed, hustle-em-up good fellows in the world.

"Do let us rest a bit," said Diamond. "Let's see," she answered. "There's something like a railway there. Perhaps there's an open arch." They went towards it and found one, and, better still, there was an empty barrel lying under the arch. "Hallo! here we are!" said the girl. "A barrel's the jolliest bed going on the tramp, I mean. We'll have forty winks, and then go on again."

The curtain descended slowly amidst sympathetic sobs and silence the musicians themselves, deeply moved, no doubt, with the sorrows of the scene, mournfully resumed their fiddles, and struck up "ti ti tum tiddle un ti tum ti" the jolliest jig you ever heard. I hope the audience were equally revived by this grotesque sudden cheering of their spirits.

Horatio Mugg and his two daughters, one being named Angelina and the other Geraldine. Mr. Horatio Mugg was the jolliest toy-store man you can imagine! Since his own two daughters had grown up he seemed to think he must look after all the other children in his neighborhood. He was always glad to see the boys and girls in his store.

Annoyance and amusement struggled for mastery in his expression as he replied: "You're the queerest girl in the world. One minute you snub a person, the next you are the jolliest girl going, and then you get as grave and earnest as a fellow's mother would be." "Yes, I am queer. If you had any sense, you'd have nothing to do with me. I'm more queer, too.

To go with the twinkle, he had a quirky little smile. And to better the smile, he had the jolliest little chuckle that ever came through a pair of baby lips. He came trotting up to the suit case which Marie had spread wide open on the bed, stood up on his tippy toes, and peered in. The quirky smile was twitching his lips, and the look he turned toward Marie's back was full of twinkle.