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A psalm full of associations of battles long ago: sung against Julian the Apostate, used by Charlemagne, Anthony, Dunstan, and many more. Simon of Pershore, if in 1198: and Robert of Caen, if in 1196, but less likely. The Wycombe Well is probably the Round Basin, near the Roman Villa, but the other I am unable to hear news of. Published by Arber. See chap. xxxvi. Joi.

The half mystical exaltation inspired by love is already known to William IX. as joi, and he is acquainted with the service of love under feudal conditions. The conventional attitudes of the lady and the lover are also taken for granted, the lady disdainful and unbending, the lover timid and relying upon his patience.

And the honest drover, in his warmth, endorsed this moral sentiment by firing a perfect feu de joi at the fireplace. "I think you're altogether right, friend," said Mr. Wilson; "and this boy described here is a fine fellow no mistake about that. He worked for me some half-dozen years in my bagging factory, and he was my best hand, sir.

Indeed, if any man would experience the full ecstasy of being alive the joi de vivre as the French have it let him go out into the early morning, when the sun is young, and look about him with a seeing eye. So, in a little while, with the golden song of a blackbird in my ears, I turned village-wards, very hungry, yet, nevertheless, content.