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You had better tell the man to plant out a few more broomsticks if he wants me to see my forest in the future." "This, again, is the account of the miller of Tarisa. He always mixes bran with his meal." "Let him alone; he has a pretty wife." "Pretty, but bad, your honour." Upon this moral observation, Master Jock thought fit to make the following philosophical commentary:

And his employer wull say he's sorry, maybe, but he canna afford to pay Jock more wages, because the cost of, diamonds such as his wife would be wearing has gone up, and gasolene for his motor car is more expensive, and silk shirts cost more. Oh, aye I ken he'll no be telling Jock that, but those wull be his real reasons, for a' that! Noo, what's Jock to do? He can quit oh, aye!

"I am sure you would. I think it would be a very happy and blessed thing for you both, and I have no doubt that her father will think so too. Now, here are the others coming home, and you must behave like a rational being, even though you don't see Essie at tea." Mother Carey managed to catch Jock, give a hint of the situation, and bid him take care of his friend. He looked grave.

But, duller of wit than usual, feeling very old and lonely, and shaky on his legs, and dizzy in his head, Auld Jock parted with Bobby and with his courage, together. With the instinct of the dumb animal that suffers, he stumbled into the foul nook and fell, almost at once, into a heavy sleep. Out of that Bobby roused him but briefly.

"Look, Jock," said she, "yonder's Andrew Braikens and his wife hame frae the market already. Dinna ye see them standing at the end o' their house there, and their three bairns beside them, and baith lookin as happy as the day's lang?

He has agreed to go to Hampton Court with us to-morrow. Mr. Reynolds called on me about the drawing of the Laird's Jock; he is assiduous and attentive, but a little forward. Poor Gillies also called. Both asked me to dinner, but I refused.

And then she sighed to relieve the oppression on her breast, and said, "Do you ever wonder, Jock, why people should have such different lots? You and I driving along here in what we once would have thought such state, and look, these people that are crossing the road in the mud are just as good as we are "

Williams was the butler who had been all over the world with Sir Tom, and who was respectful of the heir, but a little impatient and surprised, as Jock was, of the fuss that was made about Tommy for his own small sake.

You see he likes it, because he fancies her goodness itself; and so I suppose she is, only there is such a lot of clerical shop" then, as Jock made a sound as if he did not like the slang in her mouth- "Ay, it sounds like Bobus; but if this goes on much longer, I shall turn to Bobus's way. He has all the sense on his side!" "No, Babie," said Jock very gravely. "That's a much worse sort of folly!"

By this time the raft had been sunk by a sudden storm, and Jock had grasped the opportunity to go to his books, while Mhor and Peter had laid themselves down on the rug before the fire and were rolling on each other in great content. Jean and David sat together on the sofa, their arms linked. They had very little to say, for as the time of departure approaches conversation dies at the fount.