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And he did try it, and took away his goods, but Job still remained good. The devil laughed and said that he had not been tried enough. Then the Lord touched his flesh, but he was still true. Then he took away his children, but he remained faithful, and in the end, to show how much Job made by his fidelity, his property was all doubled, and he had more children than ever.

"We went to Cincinnati and from there to Chicago. There we got rooms out on the South Side Hyde Park, they called it. And I got me a job. I had some money left, but not enough to buy kohinoors and race-horses with. Beside, I really wanted to get to work wanted it for the first time in my life. You remember young Clayton in our class?

When she looked again, there was no barge, no river, no daylight, and a man whom she had never before seen held a candle close to her face. 'Now, Missis, said he; 'where did you come from and where are you going to? The poor soul confusedly asked the counter-question where she was? 'I am the Lock, said the man. 'The Lock? 'I am the Deputy Lock, on job, and this is the Lock-house.

I would go down to-night if it were not so late; for now that I've made up my mind I should feel pretty bad if meanwhile he happened to meet someone else who had not so many scruples as myself, and who needed a job badly enough to accept the opening on the spot, without taking time to think it over.

"Oh, well, all the village knows that! and though I'm quite new to the village I've only been here a week I know it too. You're old David, the basket-maker, aren't you?" "Yes." And Helmsley nodded emphatically "That's me!" "Then I know all about you! My name's Angus Reay. I'm a Scotchman, I am, or rather, I was a journalist, and as poor as Job! That's me! Come along!"

There is less waste in truth in a factory. Truth that is asked for and thirsted for, is drunk up. The refreshment of it, the efficiency of it which the people get, goes on the job at once.

'But I suppose people could cut across the country and come in at the other end of the road if they really wanted to look into the valley? "'Not after I have finished the job, said Baxter; and I asked no further questions." "May I inquire," said the captain, "if that Mr.

"Yes, all but one or two. They were going to finish it today, but they ain't very spry about it." "Tell you what you do, Max; you call them up and tell them we want a man to come out here and stay for a while. I may want to move the lights around a little. And, anyhow, they may as well clean up their job and have it done with." He was starting back after the returning laborers when Max said: .

A cord from the portière curtain draping the bathroom entrance completed his lashings. With wicked eyes he stared up at me, unable to move a muscle. "By God, Craig!" he snarled, "you'll both wish you 'd killed me before ye 're done with this job." I made no reply, using the corner of the desk to help me get to my feet. "Do you hear!" he shouted. "What chance have you got to get away?"

A bushmen always makes the best of a bad job, and Stobart did not see why he should not have as good a time as he possibly could while waiting for the chance to escape. He never for one moment doubted that his adventure would end successfully, and his chief sorrow was for the loss of the cattle.