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No more pictures, but a jiggery of red and black splashes, and then a darkness, through which I passed somehow into a pleasant place, a garden where roses bloomed and a fountain plashed, and Anne was beside me; I held her hand in mine. Now she was gone, she had vanished mysteriously. What was that man saying? "The Fraulein has not been here at all!"

"Ah, there is the regular jiggery jiggery," sung out little Reefpoint, at the same moment, as he in turn began to pull up his line.

The soldier proceeded: "Well, you don't know where it's comin' from. 'E's up on one of these 'ere roofs, 'idin', an' you're down 'ere ... exposed. 'E kneels be'ind the parapet, an' 'as a shot at you, an' then 'e 'ops along the roof to another place, an' 'as another shot at you.... You don't 'alf begin to feel a bit jiggery when that's 'appening'...." There was no malice in that soldier.

"My golly!" the little boy said again, his eyes threatening to start out of his head "my golly, Judy, what have you been doin'?" "I I've run away, Bunty," Judy said, in a quavering voice. "I've walked all the way from school. I wanted to see you all so badly." "My jiggery!" Bunty said. "I've thought it all out," Judy continued, pushing back her hair in a weary moray.

Jiggery, jig" "Confound your jiggery, jiggery, sir! But I know you well enough, my man; and you can scarcely have forgotten Lieutenant Splinter of the Torch, one would think?"

A boy with hair that colour, she maintained, must be subject to periodical explosions, and it was probably during one of them that Max had secreted his bit of dynamite. But the little girls gave Larkin the warmest testimonials. In all the time they had known him he had never been guilty of anything stronger than "My jiggery!" It all began with a bib at breakfast time.

She held on to the table while she ate. She did not look as if she needed to eat any more. Kedzie was proud to know people who had been as famous as these two said they had been, but Bottger and Jambers used to fight bitterly over their respective schools of expression. Bottger insisted that the buck-and-wing and the double shuffle and other forms of jiggery were low.

What! sure you 'member Jiggery Pop, who served aboard the Frisky, at the Cape? And sure enough I remembered Jiggery well, seeing that I had once picked him out of the water when he was near drowning, and he had served me the same good turn." While Jos was narrating this anecdote, a boat, pulled by half a dozen stout seamen in blue and red shirts, was coming off from the shore to the ship.

I cast it on the deck, and the chameleon tints of the dying fish, about which so many lies have been said and sung, were just beginning to fade, and wax pale, and ashy, and deathlike, when I felt another strong jiggery jiggery at my line, which little Reefpoint had, in the meantime, baited afresh. "Zounds! I have caught a whale a shark at the very least" and I pulled him in, hand over hand.

Some time after this, we once more returned to Carthagena, to be at hand should any opportunity occur for Jamaica, and A. Jwere lounging about one forenoon on the fortifications, looking with sickening hearts out to seaward, when a voice struck up the following negro ditty close to us: "Fader was a Corramantee, Moder was a Mingo, Black picaniny buccra wantee, So dem sell a me Peter, by jingo, Jiggery, jiggery, jiggery."