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The 19th of June was fine, but on the morning of the 20th another gale was blowing, accompanied by cross-seas that tumbled about and shook things up with great confusion. Just as I was thinking about taking in sail the jibstay broke at the masthead, and fell, jib and all, into the sea.

I've been down there with Uncle Tom. If we could get some fair-sized fish, it'd be worth our while to take 'em into Rockland." That afternoon they mustered their swordfish gear. In the house were three or four of the wrecked coaster's mast-hoops. One of these Jim lashed to the sloop's jibstay, about waist-high above the end of the bowsprit. "That'll do for the pulpit!"

Clearing for home In the calm belt A sea covered with sargasso The jibstay parts in a gale Welcomed by a tornado off Fire Island A change of plan Arrival at Newport End of a cruise of over forty-six thousand miles The Spray again at Fairhaven.

The orthodox method of catching them on board ship is to cover a suitable hook with a piece of white rag a couple of inches long, and attach it to a stout line. The fisherman then takes his seat upon the jibboom end, having first, if he is prudent, secured a sack to the jibstay in such a manner that its mouth gapes wide.

The young pilot did not like to leave her; but he felt the responsibility of the position he had assumed, and he hastened forward. The Orion was moving along through the water at the rate of about four knots an hour. Leopold walked out on the bowsprit as far as the jibstay, and there seated himself. Rosabel, apparently deeply interested in his movements, followed him as far as the forecastle.

For a moment the bowsprit of the latter seesawed threateningly along the jibstay of the smaller craft. Then the two drew apart. Jim was white with anger. It was only by the greatest good fortune that the Barracouta had escaped. "What do you mean, you lubber?" he cried. "Can't you steer?" "Jingo! but that was a close shave!" responded the man at the wheel. "I must have lost my head for a minute."