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I chattered with him freely; so as to prompt him to fancy that I was praising his style, air, appearance; anon, by some queer jibe, making him half suspicious that I was quizzing him. My frequent laughter, judiciously disposed, helped this effect; and, to a certain extent, I succeeded. He became nervous, and was excited, though you may not have seen it.

She got up and went around to him, hesitated while she looked down at his set face, drew a long breath, and blinked back some tears of self-reproach because of the devils of memory she had unwittingly turned loose to jibe at this man. "This is why," she said softly; and leaning, she pressed her lips down upon his bitter ones and let them lie there for a dozen heart-beats.

"Methinks this hath become a family custom amongst the Edricsons. Nay, I am sorry; I did not mean a jibe. But, indeed, Alleyne, this hath come suddenly upon me, and I scarce know what to say." "Say some word of hope, however distant some kind word that I may cherish in my heart."

Don't forget your oars. Don't sit on the gunwale-the edge of the boat. Don't alter course too suddenly. Don't let go the helm for an instant. Don't mistake caution for cowardice. Don't be afraid to reef. Don't let your gear get snarled. Don't jibe in a stiff wind. Don't get rattled. Don't sail with "fool" companions.

Winged out and we didn't see her till the end of her bowsprit caught the end of our main-boom hauled in we were to two blocks and over we went on the other tack yes, sir, over on the other tack. Thinks I, ''Tis a new way to jibe a vessel over. And the end of her fore-boom all but swept me from beside the wheel and over the rail as she went by she was that close.

Then the Reindeer swept skyward and hurtled across their bow to leeward on the breast of a mighty billow. "Ze wild man! ze wild man!" French Pete shrieked, watching her in amazement. "He t'inks he can jibe! He will die! We will all die! He must come about. Oh, ze fool, ze fool!" But time was precious, and Red Nelson ventured the chance.

She has tried to coax me to adopt "van der Marck" as my signature, but it would not jibe with the name of the township if I did; and anyhow it would seem like straining a little after style to change a name that has been a household word hereabouts since there were any households. The neighbors would never understand it, anyhow; and would think I felt above them.

I have read the "Psalterium Americanum" with care, and am impressed with its elegance, finish, and dignity. It is so popular, however, even now-a-days, to jibe at poor Cotton Mather, that his Psalter does not escape the thrusts of laughing critics. Mr. Glass, the English critic, holds up these lines as "one of the rich things:"

This was all part of the daily routine, and Laura, if she felt any resentment, had long since grown out of showing it. "One from Lucian. He's in Paris " "With ?" "No one, so far as I know," Laura replied, not affecting to misunderstand his jibe. Lucian Selincourt was her only brother and very dear to her, but there was no denying that his career had its seamy side.

He writes: "This matter, forsooth, gave a ready handle to Cardan's rivals, and especially to those who were sworn foes of astrology; so that they were able to jibe at him freely because, neither in his own horoscope, nor in that of his son Giovanni Battista, nor in that of Aymer Ranconet, nor in that of Edward VI., king of England, nor in any other of the schemes that he drew, did he rightly foresee any of the events which followed.